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Woo hoo!!! I'm in the top 40!

...but not the charts. I'm 40th in the leader list of stars!

I feel all starry eyed:p

Someone has referenced my PhD Thesis!

Quote From DanB:

Should I feel happy? Proud? Elated?

Yes! Well done (up)

Not really sure what to do

Even before I read the second paragraph I was going to suggest doing your viva via video link. It would suit me I'll admit but this is very important and so you must do what makes you feel comfortable. How did you find NZ, out of interest? Brave thing to do, to study so far away from home for three years.

Supervisor hall of fame - what's the worst thing yours has done/said?

My current supervisors, to their credit, have always been very professional and so I've never had to endure any of this stuff. However my last supervisors...well I could write a book and then some!

Supervisor hall of fame - what's the worst thing yours has done/said?

Stumbled across this thread by accident but it's very, very funny! Happy reading!

Quit PhD at end of 3rd year??

This is probably not going to be helpful but honestly I'm not finding the writing up anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be. It's waiting around for feedback that really, really gets to me. That said, I'm organised and have always had a clear idea of how I would structure the thesis which I think helped a lot. Please don't quit but, if you must, take some time out, if possible, as that may give you a second wind or sense of perspective. I've never been too consumed by my PhD and actually really think this has helped a lot. However, my experience of writing up seems to be different to many others.

I hope things improve for you.

Beaten to a job by someone with TWO doctorates :(

I'm very sorry to read that KB but you're not alone. I didn't even pass the application stage for a research associate post recently. Take heart, at least you got an interview and it sounds as though they really, really liked you at interview.

Keep trying!

The Happy Thread

That sounds really painfully, I hope you're OK. Nice to read you're feeling good about things.

What makes a Conclusion chapter perfect? (Humanities)

Quote From 404:

Is there a perfect Conclusion chapter you've read in a thesis that you could recommend?
Thank you...

It doesn't exist! You've passed your viva and just need to complete the corrections. Be confident in your abilities as you've come this far, relax and go with what feel right for you and it probably will be as close to perfect as you'll get. Don't try so hard but accept it will never be perfect and things should move from there.

The Happy Thread

I'm happy because I've started my discussion, still plenty of things to do on some of the other chapters, but feel I've had a productive day so far:-)

Stuck in a major rut

I set myself deadlines and then tell my supervisor when to expect stuff. It puts me under gentle pressure to work and works best for me.

I wish I'd known a year ago...

Thanks Ady, I needed to read that. Only joking, I'm actually looking forward to starting that even if I keep putting it off...
For me data analysis and results was always going to be the worst.

I wish I'd known a year ago that the economy would still be in such a bad state as I might have planned better for it!

Trying to find a high paid job, is it really worth it ?


You could be like some of us on here and are feeling tired, disillusioned and worried about the job market. I do think sometimes it's good to take a break and do something different as this can give perspective and help us know what we want or don't want. Do what you think you need to do and try to do what makes you happy. Just my opinion, but I don't think this postman job is a bad way to go for many of the reasons you've given and if you like it that's fantastic but don't burn your bridges with academia as you may get a second wind and decide this is for you.

You've worked very hard to get to this stage and so keeping trying with the aim of passing your viva as it would be best to keep your options open.

Doom Gloom and Doubts

Quote From hiccup:
My sup. is pleased with my progress so far

If your supervisor is pleased with your progress that is good. Perhaps you're being unnecessarily hard on yourself? In your shoes I wouldn't go part-time just yet, I would either continue, after all your supervisor is happy, or take a short break to think things through but don't go part-time just yet unless you really, really want to and can afford to.

No job blues :(

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Quote From BilboBaggins:

Sign up for benefits! Honestly you are making things much harder for yourself than you need to, financially at the very least. Just face up to it.

Totally, absolutely agree with Bilbobaggins. I haven't always claimed benefits when I've been entitled and it caused real hardship, has totally messed up my NI contributions and left me in a much worse way and state. You're doing everything you can to get work and so claim your benefits, they're YOURS!