Overview of DJWickid

Recent Posts

I'm so lazy

I've just timed myself and realise I have a six minute concentration span, and that's when I'm really trying!

I have a crush on Jose Mourinho...

Oh, this sounds bad. I think you should convert to Orlando Bloomism asap!

how long can it take?!?!

Isnt it annoying when you're wearing a sleeveless top and you realise you've forgotton to shave your armpits! Happened to me twice in the last fortnight!

how long can it take?!?!

If i dont wash my hair I can shower in about 1 minute. I think a 1 minute shower can do just the same as a half hour shower other than make you're skin go wrinkly

how long can it take?!?!

one of my flatmates takes absolutely ages in the shower. I really do not understand what she does in there! It must be about 40 minutes! I can actually shower and wash my hair in the space of the ITV adverts

who thinks that their department is...

i was talking more in terms of a boss who rings up at 11 p.m. on a saturday night to talk about research projects!

Ways of relieving fustration (not sexual)

Ooh yes, definately sign that one. Very important petition! thanks H!

Ways of relieving fustration (not sexual)

This is so exciting! H, when is the big day?

Communication difficulties or Autistic?

I reckon my PhD certainly contributed to my anxiety problem ( I know we're actually talking about Autism here), although I'm sure the illegal drugs didnt help either

who thinks that their department is...

I definately have a boss like Miranda!

Ways of relieving fustration (not sexual)

Circuit training v good for the stress

Communication difficulties or Autistic?

Hey Yick, dont worry about being kicked out of academia. I suspect a lot of academics have similar problems to you, in fact I remember reading somewhere that an unusually high percentage of Oxbridge students have some form of Autism.

We all have our problems. Although I am an outgoing and usually very cheerful person, I suffer from an anxiety disorder which means I sometimes cant work although i'm starting to learn how to deal with it.

"Tolerance" - or celebration?

I definately try to convert others to the Mooncup - that is an undisputed better way of life.
I have to admit that after a few pints I also get quite argumentative with people who consume meat

News from Athina

Tell her we're all still thinking about her

domestic disruptions, help!

I had the same problem when I lived with my two friends last year who both went out to work. I was left with everything to do. I tried the not doing anything myself strategy but it didnt work and I couldnt stand working in such a mess so just ended up tidying again