Overview of DJWickid

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Christian courtship during PhD away from home

Wow! I've wish I'd joined this thread earlier. Its wickid!

I have a very painful mouse-click injury.

Hope your mouse injury is lots better. Some times I get a twitchy finger when I've been clicking too many times!

"Tolerance" - or celebration?

Juno, that is basically what I believe. I think there are aspects of'truth' in almost all religions, that we are all trying to reach the same thing, but through different chanels. Christianity just works for me. I dont understand how one religion can claim to have it right over all the others, especially as religions are so interelated with society (i.e. human construction). I dont think its necessarily a 'cop-out' solution - I did a theology degree and considered lots of opinions before arriving at this conclusion!

"Tolerance" - or celebration?

Insomniac, I didnt mean 'celebrate' in terms of taking part in religious celebrations, I meant celebrate as in 'celebrate diversity'. It certainly has more positive overtones than 'tolerate'.

H, I agree, I hate it when people try and shove their religion down your throat. i particularly hate it when fundamentalist Christians stop me on the street and try and 'convert' me, despite the fact I go to church about five times a week!! (Btw I sing in a cathedral choir, hence excessive church going!)

"Tolerance" - or celebration?

I have a strong Christian faith, but I think we should learn to celebrate other religions and cultures, even if we can never adopt them ourselves.

At the same time I dont think that we should ever become complacent. I think its really important to have intellectual debates e.g. about the role of women in different religions (including Christianity!!) and how we can have a positive multifaith community.

Fake PhD 'Expert' Exposed!!

I still have problems with the fact you can actually buy a PhD!

Lovely weather today!

I've heard a lot of emergency sirens going off today, probably weather related. Didnt dare risk cycling in, it was scary enough driving!

Lovely weather today!

Is everyone else in the middle of a storm? It was so stormy, I was an hour late getting into work today

Last on to post on this thread wins

Piglet, i was helping out at the castle doing odd jobs whilst writing up my PhD and they let me and my boyfriend stay there for free. It was wicked, but scary at times!

Just heard some bad news

Hope she recovers soon. Let her know we're all thinking of her

still monday?? looking for reasons...

Maybe its the type of dog then, and what you feed them. I have sheepdogs

still monday?? looking for reasons...

But surely ours smell even worse?!

Discouraged about quality of PhDs

Hi sugar_student. Working 14 hours a day has sadly rubbed off on your personality. I am very worried that you seem to have no time left to have fun

Last on to post on this thread wins

Last year I lived in a medieval castle for a few months (I know this sounds far fetched, but its true!),and it was so scary waking up in the middle of the night in my little room halfway up the turret and hearing the battlement door banging in the wind. I was always too scared to get up and go to the toilet even though I boyfriend was there

Weird Naughty Dreams

I think its normal and healthy to have these sort of dreams (unless they invovle members of your family, then perhaps not so healthy). I occassionally have 'naughty' dreams about people I dont remotely fancy when I'm awake. They probably wonder why I have such a grin on my face when I next see them!