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one month into a PhD

I would agree with the others - get in with the socialising and don't worry too much about the work. It'll fall into place eventually. People don't really expect much in the first few months as you settle down into working and getting to know your subject area. And if you stay at your desk long enough people will start talking to you.

Thank you everyone!

Is that actually possible?

Yippee! The news we've all been waiting for!

Totally cool!

PHD opportunities in Stored Product Entomology

What is stored product entomology? Where have all the insects gone?

Nerves at startinga PhD

Wow that's hardcore but I know what you mean. I tried to do an Open Uni course during my job!

Prospects in Entomology for PHD and beyond

It's quite a specialised area but there are PhDs in this area. Have you tried the London School of Tropical Medicine or Imperial College as they have both got people working in these fields. You should check out potential supervisors and see if they have anything available. What about asking your current supervisor or ask in the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine?

Thankyou Postgard Forum Team:

opps meant may - think I've been there at this rate!!!

Thankyou Postgard Forum Team:

Indeed worth every penny and the 7 day waiting period!! A gold star is a star even though it amy have rusted!!!

DVD Box sets will see you through!

I really need to catch up with Spooks!! It's box sets all round for the foreseeable future!

Could God help us?

History is decided by the winners so those who met at Nicea were men and left out the more contentious parts of the bible out, eg. the gospel of Mary Magdalene. Aside from religion I would agree history is subjective as it all depends on what viewpoint and you look at it from. There are two sides to every story, it just depends on which one you believe and how strongly you believe it!

Things we miss...

Limited edition Chocolate Biscuit Twix with Orange Toffee!!!

whats everyone done over the summer

can't seem to remember when summer was ... seems so long ago!!! Working mostly although I did manage a conference this year which was excellent.

dilema on supervisors and authorship and confirming stuff

I would agree with the others and say go for it. Your supervisors are hardly likely to object to their name being on a publication if they haven't done anything for it! That's pretty good going doing a book chpt during your phd - congrats! And how did you come by it?

Nerves at startinga PhD

Tell me about it ... research is so much better!!! I never want to get a job involving them again!! I'm impressed that you lasted 4 years!!

How much is a PhD worth?

Not bad, only need to wait 7 days!!