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Supervision Ordeal:
Last night my supervisor emailed me to say she wanted to change the time of our usual 11am meeting to 0930... this was fine (although i am NOT morning person). I worked late and got in at 0845 so I could print and prepare for the meeting accordingly. She got in at 0945 then decided to talk to everyone in the lab, make coffee for her self then called me in at 10:10am. Then she spent 15 mins sorting out her outlook calender and emails. Then she asked what I was doing. She said not to bother getting ethics committee approval even tho its regulation as she isn't doing it for her research. She told me to do a literature review as a favour for her and my name wont go on her paper. This happened and it was 1030 and i didn't have a chance to tell her everything. Then her visitor rang. She asked if there was anything else, i said yes so I will email her. She said she wouldn't have time to look at her emails.

Does anyone's father own a print-processing business?

get local companies to put their adverts in it.... maybe that could reduce teh costs? Whats ur supervisor say?

First meeting with the supervisor

just be you. One of my supervisors is a big cheeze and everyone is formal with her - i am just normal - e.g. i told her i pulled on friday night... i get mroe attention than most because funnily enough, supervisors are human beings!!!

a song to describe your phd experience

actually... being a female in acomputing dept - i would have to say 'its raining men!' - this is not a goood thing - just listen to this quote: 'the odds are good.... but the goods are odd'!

a song to describe your phd experience

what song or phd theme tune would you have to describe your phd experience.... mine would be ...'I WILL SURVIVE'.!

Job for you science types?

so who will write me a reference then?!

one month into a PhD

nope but the bottle of red wine i have here is decreasing. i dont think i should write anymore of teh section i am on.......... Just have fun!

Thank you everyone!

congratulations!!! Your an inspiration! Maybe teh Postgrad team should have a hall of fame.... of all those that have completed or soemthing!

one month into a PhD

also remember there is life outside the lab!! Join some university societies where you can meet non phd people or phd people that aren't in your department. Its scary I know - but this time next year, yuo will be dishing out the same advise to other prospective first years. Good Luck. Read alot and get to grips with endnote and USE IT!!! use this time to start some sort of filing system for yuor papers.... aghr this is all the stuff i shud have doen

Job for you science types?

i am going to apply...as a joke. Itd be quite funny. I'd love to turn it down.

dilema on supervisors and authorship and confirming stuff

thnx for the advice - yeh ive done what youve all said and told him to go for it.
- it was a section of a chapter that i did. I had a random meeting with the author who told me about the book. I asked who was going to write the stuff on xxxx he said there isnt going to be stuff on xxxx. We then debated this for 20mins to which he said FINE - U write soemthing and we will see if its good enough. He edited loads out - but i'm cool with it - as long as the issue is addressed. I get an acknoledgement which is cool but you've got to look after the old supervisors in the hope that one day they may look after u. Lets hope that day arrives soon

dilema on supervisors and authorship and confirming stuff

cheers for the reply - i feel quite wierd txting/foning over a work related issue during the weekend. i am quite annoyed by it all. But such is life - they have their stuff to deal with i guess. I mean they didnt even help with the txt - all i am asking for is an email confirmation - not much of their tiem at all.

dilema on supervisors and authorship and confirming stuff

i was asked to write a section for a book. I asked my sup if this was ok - she said yep. I now have to give my final permsission to use the stuff - BUT we have a policy that our sups names have to go on everything we do which is fair enough. I emailed my sueprvisors to ask if what i wrote was ok and how they wanted the acknoledgement to be e.g by x supd by x and x. I need to give the final confirmation by today. But none of them have replied- they have had a week to do so. I am now in a dilema to say say to the book person - soz - not had final go ahead from sup or sayyes then risk teh sups saying no they want to be acknoledged differently.
i dont know waht to do. what would you do in my position. The final day is today. Theyve had 5 days to reply.

I'll believe it when I see it!

i know the person who did that study.... i can assure u - u can trust them!

should I go?

if u really feel bad then don't go... maybe try and find a replacement?