Overview of eatingelephants

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how many publications do you have?

I am in a publications lead department. I am a first year and I have no publications this year - I had one in my undergraduate year... and I have just had a paper rejected this week..it was for a really good conference. I dont mind as the reviews are really useful. How many publications should you aim to have by the end of your phd?

dyslexic phd students...any out there?? is there such thing?

really.... i didnt think it was possible to get funding from your LEA once your a postgraduate. I will ask at the centre.Many thanks. I have a pda... which does help.. but its not enough apparently.

dyslexic phd students...any out there?? is there such thing?

I have found out that i am quite dyslexic and feel quite disheartend by it. Are any of you dyslexic... have you got any tips?

getting more and more forgetful

i am becoming more and more forgetful...is this normal or am i just going abit mad. its been a tough week.... i was at the WWWConference in edinburgh - dont know if n e of saw it on tv. But on teh tuesday my cousin died at the weekend i saw my dying uncle and last night my laptop died - i just updated my endnote database with 100 new references :-(
I am now on an undergraduate PC in student halls not very far from having a nervous breakdown. I think my supervisor is a bit better now.

I didn't get it..

Yeh - i think i would nag the supervisor as well - telling him/her that you want to get the ball rolling.Be a fighter!

whats the point

i dont really think the 9month report is driving me insane, i think its just everything! I am just sick of it - i seem to be obsessed with my phd topic... are you guys the same?

whats the point

i am coming up to the end of the first year. I am thinking - 'whats the point' this thing is driving me insane. Its saturday and i am in the lab - trying to do my 9month report... without the help of my supervisors... ITS JUST LIKE AGRHHHHHHHHHHHHH why should i care. Alot fo my time is on this phd - i am in specialist groups, i go to networking events - this thing is driving me insane - and I STILL KNOW NOTHING.
And now they wantus to write a report of 4,000 words?!!?!/ how can u do one years worth of work in 4000 words? I am going insane. I truely am. My memory is going - am getting bored. AGRGH AGRH AGRH
WHATS THE POINT?!?!?!!? I Have nothing to show for this year!
Is it normal to feel like this almost at the end of ur first year?!

That Friday feeling

i am going insane

That Friday feeling

i have deadlines coming out of my ass.... so the friday feeling for me is one of dread.... that I will never finish what I have got to do...

statement of merit

i would like to apply for a sholarship. I have to get someone to write a statement of merit for me. What is a statement of merit?! ive tried googling - but nothing seems to come of it.

Is it basically 2 pages of how i fit the criteria?

What bad habits have you acquired since starting your PhD?

gossip magazines... heat is going to go on my acknoledgements for keeping me somewhat sane...

2006 - Fastest Year Ever?

good luck with it

need information on grants and scholarships

if u were in engineering and a female then there would b lots of places that would fund you.

Giving up PhD

what did your supervisor have to say... was he/she shocked at what you had to say? did they try to talk u out of it?

need information on grants and scholarships

what area of research are u in? I know this is an awful question but r u male or female ?