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article request

Hello every body

please, I am looking for this article and do not have any access to the journal "Transaction of the Institution of British Geographers"

Sarah Collison, 'Visa Requirements, Carrier Sanctions, 'Safe Third Countries' and 'Readmission': The Development of an Asylum 'Buffer Zone' in Europe',
Transaction of the Institution of British Geographers, Vol. 21, No. I, 1996, pp. 76-

The One Goal Thread

I still have a strong pain in my neck and cannot move it. So another day at home, but I want to do sth today to feel that I am an active person.

Goal 1 as usual avoiding net, it sounds an impossible job
Goal 2 read articles about certain topic
Goal 3 after 6 pm read 6 cases
Goal 4 read french

The One Goal Thread

very bad day , I have not done anything, only chatting with my friend and hearing her stupid stories.
I really need to go to some place away from my hus and his family, I want to relax, no net, no telephone, no news...

The One Goal Thread

I woke up today with a strong pain in my neck, so I cannot go to the library.

Goal 1 avoiding to use net today
Goal 2 read some article about certain topic, I'll detail it later
Goal 3 after 6 pm read and take notes 6 cases

The One Goal Thread

I am in the library, it is better than home for studying.
my first goal to finish 10 short cases before lunch, I finished 2.

The One Goal Thread

I do not have motivation to work. I have 161 cases to read but I haven't started yet. Really I do not know where to start, a lot of things in my mind and do not know how to organise my time.

The One Goal Thread

======= Date Modified 21 Jul 2010 23:04:09 =======
Hi all, long time without visiting this nice forum. Really I miss all of you
In the first of this month, I sent around 30 pages of the first chapter to my Supr, she likes them and considers them high quality, it was great!! but I could not study anything since I have my family in law until the end of August. It frustrates me, but I am trying to do anything rather than nothing. Maybe I'll rewrite my daily program here to organise myself.

I have now an article, I'll read it quickly before sleeping, and tomorrow I must do sth before lunch, since I have many appointments after it.

The One Goal Thread

Hi all,
Long time without entering to this forum, really I miss all of you particularly our leader Sneaks hhhhhhh
I am studying very hard and doing a great job, at least I think so, let me wait to see the opinion of my Sup.
I have to submit around 30 pages next week .

Good luck for all

The One Goal Thread

I woke up lazy today, so I decided not going to the library today. It was the worst decision, cause I have not read anything yet. I spent my time on net, phone and eating. and after 2 hours my super husband will come. oooofffff

Goal 1 reading a chapter in a book and take notes

The One Goal Thread

At last I am in the library. I did all my goals but with one hour delay . However, I am here now trying to concentrate.

goal 1 finish Miller's Article

The One Goal Thread

goal 1 done. it took 1 me 1 hour to writ an email to my sup. I know it is unusual but ......

The One Goal Thread

Morning everybody
I need to finish my goals to day to have some self confidence.

goal 1 send an email to my sup
goal 2 have quick breakfast
goal 3 going to the library and in the way pass to a certain store to change sth

next goal I'll write in the library. I should be there max at 11

The One Goal Thread

======= Date Modified 18 May 2010 11:06:09 =======
Hello all

As I am lucky more than usual, my husband has friends from our country since last Wednesday, and I was very busy with them and did not do anything relating to my PhD. Of course, it is really the worst time for their visit, and I am totally frustrated now. But I decided to spend al my days in the library and do not waste my time in my husband's stupid social life. He invites me now to have beer with them in the downtown!!!!!

I'll try today to finish two articles. it is 9 p.m really it is a great time to start your study day.

please help to find an article

Hello everybody

Please anybody has access to this article:

"Le droit des réfugiés à l'épreuve des droits de l'homme:bilan de la jurisprudence de la cour européenne des droit de l'homme sur l'interdiction du renvoi des étrangers menacés de torture et de traitements inhumains ou dégradants", Revue Belge de Droit International, 2004,1, at 155-210

What do you do when you lose motivation?

Thanks Dear, in fact I just yesterday spent a very nice time with my friends, we had a party and enjoyed very much. I expected to be more active today, but I could not concentrate over the day. I started reading something then I entered to facebook, forgot what I was reading, after one hour I remembered....!!!!! Really it is silly to spend my day in this stupid way. Maybe I need to turn off the net or to go to the library or to put a plan for my goals!!!!!