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paper help, please!!!!

Does anybody have access to this?
Izgar, H (2008)
HEADTEACHERS' LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOR AND PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS: A COMPARATIVE STUDY , Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, Volume 36, Number 4,pp. 535-548(14)
Thanks in advance!

What you have learned about yourself

The most important thing I have learned so far is that I have limits!!!
I am working full time in Greece and doing a PT PhD in UK, this means that I have limited time to work on my PhD. Given the fact that at the beginning I was only working, I have learned (almost) the hard way that I have limits and I should not overcome my limits, otherwise I may have a breakdown....
Also I have more faith in myself. I believe I can do what I want to do, and this is very important for me as I did not believe in myself!

I passed!

Massive congratulations!!!!!!!!!!
Do your corrections and put it all behind you!!!!!!!!!!!

Got the job :)))

Well done!!!!!!
Now viva prep (and I will be waiting to read good news from your viva)!!!!!

PhD submitted!!

All the best for your interview and viva!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think you deserve a present!!! (gift)

Why did you do your PhD?

Well I only started it because I had (and still have a passion for my topic).
I am working FT and I really love my job, I am paying for my PhD (so no university funding) and because my job* gives me an allowance for my studies, I have to work with them for the next 10 years (so, no change in my career).

So, as eveyone can understand, the only reason I am in this is my passion......

*I am a teacher in Greece, employed by the Ministry of education and religuous affaires

transcription of interviews

I transcribed my interviews myself, too. I had 40 of them, about 1 hour long each.
I had the added difficulty that the interviews were in my language (Greek) and I had to transcribe them in Greek and then translate them in English, so double the workload....
I am also working FT and doing a PT PhD, so I can sympathise.
It was a great advantage for me to have transcribed the interviews myself (does that sentence make sense?????) as now I know exactly what everybody said and how they said it. So writing is easier....


======= Date Modified 22 Jun 2011 11:08:10 =======

Quote From 4matt:

This may be a stupid question, but was there any link between the authors of the paper and the author of the thesis which may be a reason for this? Or was there somewhere in the thesis (possibly hidden away) where mitigation for this was given?

No it wasn't!!!!!
That's why I am so frustrated....
They were exactly the same (not even a different word)!!!

An if I have found them, I guess other people also have accessed them. Don't these people think that they are making a fool of themselves?


I am really frustrated...
I was looking arpund some theoretical issues and I came accross one paper from 2004 and a PhD from 2003 that had the exact same things in them!
One was a verbatim copy of the orther! I don't know who was the original writer...
I found it frustrating, as they are supposed to be academic texts and there isn't even any attempt to cover up plagiarism by changing the wording!!!!!

Bullying by a supervisor

I had a really bad experience with my MBA tutor as well.
He was always saying to me that I was a really bad student, not suitable for postgraduate studies. That my first master was given to my out of pity and that I did not deserve to be called a student.
He was also saying to me that I shouldn't have been allowed to study in UK, as I am a foreigner and I shouldn't have been allowed to study for an MBA because this is a men's field and I am a woman!
Because of him, my graduation was delayed, as he was on holiday from May till September on the Greek islands and he couldn't mark my essays (this was happening every summer for three years, as I was on a PT course). This ended with the university sending me warning emails that I had delayed my essays...
When I was asking him something, he was saying "look for it! This is your job!" But if I knew where to look for, or if I had understood, then I wouldn't have asked in the first place!!!!!!

To cut a long story short...
I didn't do anything against him and that was my biggest mistake. If I had taken the issue further something might have happened. Maybe he wouldn't bully more students....

I can't tell you what to do....I can only sympathise.........

Annual report

I just got back my annual report with comments.
In my uni all PhD students have to submit a piece of written work, which is assessed by a member of the staff. I submitted my first literature review chapter (I have 2 of them), which includes the theoretical framework of my research. It is a bit general, as the second chapter includes the main studies on my subject.
My supervisors agreed with this structure, and the chapters both have their approval and I considered them as "ready".
But, now the person who assessed my work, made me doubt about all of my work. He has said that this chapter is not connected with the main interest on my research, and that maybe I should just exclude it as it doesn't offer anything.
Personally, I believe that if someone would have the whole thesis in his/her hands, then this chapter would have been perfectly connected with the rest of my work. It is like an introductory theoretical chapter, before moving on to the main theoretical chapter....

What would you do?

Help with English

Thank you for helping me!!!!!

Yes, I am in social sciences and writing up.......................

Help with English

Quote From Larrydavid:

======= Date Modified 15 Jun 2011 18:18:01 =======
The 3rd part is the key point. It's saying that even if we are trying to be objective when reading interview texts, we ultimately impose our own meaning onto them.

So, when we read an interview, we are influenced by our own belefs and we understand them under this scope??????

Help with English

I came across this phrase "We cannot read meaning in interview texts, allowing them to propose their own meanings, without also reading meaning into them, as we make sense of their meanings".

I am not sure I understood it correctly. Does it mean that, in simple words, we should analyse the interviews and not just read them?

It may seem silly to you, but English is not my first language.....:-(:$

method, methdology

Methodology is more "general" and includes your theory AND your method.
Method is the reserach tool that you have used to collect your data.

I am right, aren't I????