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It's my birthday and it's raining!
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Thank you everybody! went for lunch, and wine, and cake, and then more shoe shopping. I have the most ginormous cup-cake you can imagine sitting half eaten in my kitchen, I wish I could give you all some... Oh well, wonder if I'll fit any dinner in after its finished?

I will get up early and write tomorrow!


It's my birthday and it's raining!
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Right, that,s it. I'm about to go out for lunch to celebrate my birthday and it's peeing down. I had it all planned, a lovely sunny Italian restaurant, sitting in the window seat in my new birthday sandals and flowery dress, and my rayban shades. But no, look at it, it's like blooming rainy November. And to top it all, I seem to have crashed through the writer's block I've had for the last week and just want to stay in and get it all written down... I did over 1000 words this morning and could going now no prob. I just feel like coming over all Beryl Bainbridge, looking scruffy and writing all day.

I'm going to have to get into my winter clothes again! bllleeeeeeuuuuurrrrrggghhhh. hmmmm.

Let's form a story!
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Waitrose for some olives

Let's form a story!
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Tescos opened at 8am ona weekday, AND they had some rhubarb crumble, along with the trusty tesco value custard he knew he could rely on.

Let's form a story!
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ship's captain we're sailing at 9 o' the seagull, so make it snappy. We haven't a second to lose...

Can dating and postgraduate studying ever really mix properly?!
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Yes 4matt, I'll second that: just search through 'eska' and 'inappropriate crushes' for evidence.

Confidence, wisdom, maturity, purpose (which you clearly have in spades), humour and being nice, along with cleanlinees and santy, are, I think, the most attractive characteristics in a man, for most nice women.

Let's form a story!
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the VC DEMANDED some rhubarb crumble, else he'd let the pig loose, and our heroe's reputation would be demolished

Who's doing the weirdest PhD?
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======= Date Modified 04 May 2010 21:27:20 =======
Here there's a whole competition for 'dance you PhD'. Maybe you could win this year...


How has your PhD changed you?
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======= Date Modified 04 May 2010 20:54:01 =======
I now have a really good excuse for not cleaning my house for six months, that has to count.

Don't worry, we have new socks to spare...

Let's form a story!
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which made him a complete ....

Election Poll
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Hi Sneaks, I'd really like the lib-dems to win, but my constituency is rock solid labour, with lib-dems a very poor second, followed by Green and Conservative (not sure whose vote that is, and I doubt they'd own up to it where I live!) . So will probably vote lib-dem, just for the sake of the alternative polling statistics they run afterwards.

Their descision to scrap Trident is a major sway in my vote. I've always hated that, big money much better spent elsewhere IMO.

Humanities Phd Loan?
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Will you help me too?

Tell me tales of editing
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I do the coffee shop thing too!

I read the whole document a few times and try to leave a bt of time before each reading. It's hard to let go because each tme I rad it there is some fault, or perceived fault, I haven't noticed before. I just get it to an acceptable level.

How to copy Bib References/database in word 2002
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Hi Goodboy, I don't know about that, but I do have a new pair of socks you can walk off with if you like.

FAO Moderators - re Dispatcher
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No KB, I don't think it's paranoia, that's what my PM said: I think we have a new pair of socks around here. And it's not even Christmas! Here, have a sprout (sprout)