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The One Goal Thread
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It really is a glorious day 8-)

Goal 1: read 2nd expt option at home

Goal 2: compare expt options 1 & 2 and make decision at home

Goal 3: get to the office

Goal 4: find lab people

Goal 6: start amending lit review to include all new decisions made (this one will probably take a few days)

I guess I've got a lot on today then!! The plan is to work 12-2 from home. Get to the office by 2.30 then work til 8. I really need to get going earlier in the mornings but I tend to slip into these late working patterns which mean less time with bf and dog in the evenings :-(

Good luck every one - wishing you all a productive day (up)

The One Goal Thread
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Good going everyone (up)

Well I've only done part 1 of Goal 2 (i.e I've re-read one of the documents I'm meant to be choosing between)

Now I'm starving and really sleepy :$ So I think I'll sign off for the night and hopefully have an extra good day tomorrow.

Good luck to everyone who is working late!!

Anyone knows Roy Bhaska personally?
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Hi Tomatos

I have no idea who Roy Bhaska is as I am not in your area (sciences) but I doubt that too many people on the forum will be happy to comment publicly on individuals.

The One Goal Thread
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Aw Sneaks I've had a rubbish day too.

Went into the office just before lunchtime to chase up the lab guys but they weren't in today so did a u-turn came home with the excuse that it was too sunny to keep the dog indoors all day :$

So I have officially made absolutely no progress all day and only 2 hours til bf gets home :-s

The One Goal Thread
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Have been trying some people that I need info from this morning but no luck so I guess it'll have to wait til tomorrow.

So Goal 1: find useful people - tried but failed

Goal 2 : make final decision between 2 expt options (this could take a while as I am notoriously indecisive :$)

The One Goal Thread
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Hi Sneaks, it's just a national conference - so probably not too big - it's the first one I've even attended though.

Emaa, glad you're feeling better.

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EEEEEPPPP!! I've just seen the conference programme where I'll be presenting my first ever paper during the Summer. Somehow seeing my title there has made it all seem so real (and scary :-( )

The One Goal Thread
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Ok goal 2: read experiment options

goal 3: chase up lab guys who know what equipment we have/ works

the film review thread
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I'm really not a Bill Murray fan either Sneaks and I was apprehensive about ruining my memories of reading Roald Dahl as a kid but I really think the movie was a success!!

the film review thread
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I'm really rubbish for remembering the names of the films I see as my bf pretty much insists that we watch one every night - we don't watch much tv. But two of the best films I've seen lately are The Fantastic Mr Fox and The Book of Kells. They are both animations but seriously worth watching - entertaining too!!

The One Goal Thread
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Well, things took a little longer than expected this morning so I am going to have a relaxed lunch then report back for the afternoon before training this evening :$

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Good luck Sneaks

Right my morning is going to be completely filled with non-PhD work - but from 2 -5.30 pm I shall be completely focused!

Goal 1: get this morning's stuff out of the way

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Emaa that sounds really terrible - you poor thing - I think that is probably one of the worst things a husband can say to his wife. I hope you can find some way to make yourself feel a little bit better.

On a personal note, I had a very productive meeting where my supervisor finally understood the complexity of the task we have undertaken and actually took a couple of hours to chat about it so I'm feeling relief and a renewed enthusiasm to get the job done (up)

I am going to work for another hour and a half and then go for a run with the dog. Unfortunately, tomorrow is going to be taken up with mostly non-PhD stuff but hopefully I'll get 3-4 productive hours in.

Goal 5: type up meeting notes and send to supervisor.

Goal 6:make a plan for tomorrow

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Goals 1 and 2 accomplished.

Now for goal 3: prepare for meeting (2.25 hours)

and goal 4: attend and make sense at meeting

The One Goal Thread
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Ok new week - lets get going everyone (at almost 12pm :$ )

Goal 1: get dressed

Goal 2: make it to the office

Goal 3: prepare for meeting this afternoon

have no energy and really don't want to leave the house today but this is getting ridiculous and I REALLY need to get some work done so I am going to force myself