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Second year accountability thread

Thanks for the welcome everyone.

Well, I have only done one of the things I identified last week. So far this morning I have done some necessary admin. I'm going to try and break down the other two things that were on my list.

Here's what I'll work on for revising the chapter for now:

Re-read chapter
Sketch out a new outline/structure
Edit theoretical part

Well done to everyone on their progress!

(From last week)
Things I need to do:
Revise chapter.
Re-do thesis outline/framework in line with new shape it's taking based on last two chs written.
Submit application for travel grant. DONE

That's a bit vague but as I do some work I might be able to come up with more specific tasks.

Second year accountability thread

Hello all,

I thought I might try this out and see if it helps me, if you don't mind. I'm in third year, but my funding is for a four-year PhD so it might be similar. I've been reading this thread now and then for a little while and I'm quite daunted by how productive and efficient you all seem!

I don't usually have internet while I work but I'm at home at the moment because of a minor injury so I'm not being very productive at all. I've also had to pull out of giving a paper because I wasn't sure I was up to it for the same reason so I'm feeling bad about that too.

Things I need to do:
Revise chapter.
Re-do thesis outline/framework in line with new shape it's taking based on last two chs written.
Submit application for travel grant.

That's a bit vague but as I do some work I might be able to come up with more specific tasks.

I did it!!!! yipeeeeee (My Phd Viva story)

Congratulations Lara. I don't usually comment but I kept an eye on your posts coming up to submission and viva and you have been absolutely inspirational - thank you.

MHRA and EndNote

Thank you for your response. I think you're right - I'll have to get on to my library. Although, from googling, it seems that MHRA just doesn't work very well with EndNote. Your system sounds quite like what I've been doing with EndNote so far.

Thanks again!

MHRA and EndNote

Just wondering if anybody uses the MHRA (Modern Humanities Research Association) citation style with EndNote? I've been trying to do this with EndNote X1 and I'm having difficulties with the template provided, so wondering if anyone has managed it successfully.

I'd be grateful for any advice. Thanks.