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*highfive* I have a desk *high five*


Ladies and gentlemen...I submitted!

Oooh, I just remembered, you don't have a viva do you. Even better news then!

outrageous workers rights infringement in bannana warehouse...

That's horrific. It does put things in perspective as you say.

Was it all worth it ?

I would say yes, although maybe ask me again in a year to see what I am doing job wise! I do think it is worth it in terms of an achievement and learning exercise.

Scholarship, Do I stand a chance, even a small one??

Fingers crossed Pink Neuron.

examples of minor revisions?

Adding paragraphs to link chapters (just one!)
Further justification for choosing not to correct for multiple testing
Explanation of problems of generalisability in qualitative research (don't think I would have been asked to write a paragraph on this had my examiners had experience of qual research).

Ladies and gentlemen...I submitted!

Fantastic news Piglet, I am so pleased for you! I hope you have a good rest before the viva panic starts. I am sure you need it.

Academic transcripts - how much does YOUR uni charge?!

I had to do this too. I think one cost £30 and the other cost £50, I was not happy! This was for the British Psychological Society and it had to be originals or authenticated copies.

how long does it take to compile the final thesis?

Hi Jojo. I think this is realistic.

Minutes and notes from meetings

That used to happen to me too Pineapple (although I was working there at the time). I just asked if it would be okay to take turns in minute taking as this seemed to be common practice elsewhere. I didn't mind doing it sometimes, just not all the time! It worked and all was fine. My other reasoning is that I found that constant minute taking affected my ability to contribute the meeting as much as I would like (I was too busy scribbling!)

Errors in thesis ........ Help

Jojo is absolutely right. They may not pick up on the errors but I would prepare a revised calculation just in case. At least you can explain the mistake and show that you have thought about it etc. Examiners are human too. In fact, post viva, my internal showed me his PhD abstract and admitted that he only noticed the typo on the very first line moments before the viva! All he could do was cross it out!

Good luck, you will be fine. I found many typos in my thesis and just made sure I had noted them in case they were picked up on in the viva and obviously so I could correct them for the final version.

Last on to post on this thread wins

woohoo, but how long will my winning streak last?

I applied for a full-time job as a shop assistant today...

Ah Piglet, it is tough isn't it. I have a p/t teaching job but am waiting to go back full time (so p/t research position) but it is taking months for the funding to be agreed and relevant contracts to be signed. I am now having to think about applying elsewhere but there is not much around. Like Ann says though, funding is for short periods, and even if this comes off, it is only 12 months, so I will be straight into grant writing too. Reality is very different and it is even more annoying when people seem to think I will be earning loads now I have a PhD (well almost!).

Sorry, I did not mean to be so miserable but I completely empathise with you. I think the LBD is a good idea too.

Fingers crossed that something comes up for you. Good luck.

can't do it! :-(

Sounds like you are doing fantastically cc. I am glad you have found other people to talk to about writing/confidence issues and I am sorry your supervisor is not helpful.

Last on to post on this thread wins

Not for long Piglet!