I cannot believe how rude doctors can be.


That's fairly awful!

Of course many all medics are people who have done a medicine degree. In general (seeping generalisation alert!!) people on this course seem to be either 1) In it for the money and very self centred or 2) Bullied into doing it by mummy and daddy (both doctors/lawyers) and seem to lack the required social skill to even stand up for themselves. These people then get repeatedly told how great they are as they qualify and also get told that they should never say that they don't know something. All in all it tends to lead to obnoxious t**ts being the consultants.

Of course this is a generalisation and I'm sure there are plenty of people who fit with 3) Went into medicine to help people and don't buy into the whole "we are doctors so we are gods gift" ideal. I reckon they probably mainly become GPs or work in A&E.

P.S. This is all a MASSIVE generalisation that should be taken a bit tongue in cheek. In actual fact it's probably very few that are obnoxious, but it would seem that this is no impediment to advancement within medicine.


Oh yes, also, I hope you're feeling a bit better now Keenbean and that you don't let the B*st*rd get you down.

All the best,


Don't let them down you dear..These are pathetic low level beings and a failure to his own life..


Just seen my GP, who was lovely! The nasty consultant beat me to it and had already spoken to her earlier, but she has also spoken to the blood laboratory, who are reporting that there definitely is a problem with my thyroid and that it is probably due to my bipolar medication. Anyway, it looks like I will be seeing a specialist in a different city to try and get things sorted out. Meanwhile, I am just drafting my letter of complaint....thanks guys, I was so upset yesterday and you made me feel so much better! KB


It's been a few days, but I hope that everything is fine by now...
I know what it means to have a thyroid problem. I have had hypothyroid for quite a few years, and nobody could find out what was wrong with me. And then, I had some problems with my period and my doctor suggested a few blood tests, including one for thyroid (again), only this time it was positive!!!!!!
Since then, I has been three years and many changes in my medication.... Finally, three days ago I had THE surgery and I hope that everything will be better now. You see, in my country it is a very common problem (about 20% of the population has hyper or hypo thyroid, and so doctors are kind of aware of it and its treatment...

I think it is awful when someone, especially a doctor, does not believe you! A doctor is the one who should have the best relationship with you, who has time to hear you, who cares about your issues etc. You should complain in writing!!!!

I hope you are feeling better!

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