Ladies - would you do this? (dating issue)


Thanks for the advice, like a few of you advised I didn't do the girly thing of waiting for him to ask me and being all coy...I gave him my number and he's taking me out this week! I'm nervous now...haven't dated for a little while but have a good feeling about this, wish me luck! Nxx


Wohoo... let us know how it all goes ;-)


======= Date Modified 18 Apr 2010 21:14:42 =======
======= Date Modified 18 Apr 2010 20:42:26 =======
Hi all,

interesting conversation, really very interesting, here is why, I have read the secret and got the DVD when it was released :)

I kind a believe in the law of the attraction,  I guess the power of positive thinking is very important, and the more you believe in something the more likely you achieve your goal but, sometimes you are ticking all the boxes and nothing should go wrong but it does, not all the time but, bad things happen in life along good things.
I have had the instances of telling my self i miss that person and immediately they call! or that I wish I could eat a nice dinner, and out of blue someone call me for dinner invitation! I don't know what it is, but I do feel there are sometimes I wish for something and it comes to me ! but how can you practice that it is another question and I believe there is another unknown power control this process. In the mean time, I will only focus on hard work and positive thinking and learning from mistakes and let us hope the universe will take care of everything else ;)


Nice words Someone3.. I will think positive more often