Last on to post on this thread wins


Hey Eska!
I can't believe you complained! You were the winner!
Well, not anymore you're not. Anyone who complains about winning the title shouldn't have it. So, I believe this makes ME the winner again. Ha Ha Ha!!
Ohhhhh the success... 8-)

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oh Nooooooooooo! I thought it had been taken off, I couldn't find it it. :-(

But at least now I am winning again! And we still have our silly thread ;-)(up)


it's so sad that you guys waster your time like this...

when I have won this ages ago....



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You guys, you'll never learn... I have won this thread a long time ago. Come and say Congrats instead of growling and RRRRahhhing :-)


Ohh.. :-( That's not fair. I wanted to join in the growling :-(


:$ meow

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I just put some cat nip down in the far corner, so off you pop.


??? ??? ??? ????? ??? ??? ???????! I can speak Yiddish, don't you know?


Hmm, what a waste of a language - the characters can't be displayed. This forum discriminates against the Yiddish. Tut tut.


Does anyone know how to spell a fart sound? A bit childish, I know, but it is one of those little things that bothers me from time to time. Tee Hee!

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Yes, that is very childish indeed.


Coboweb, you speak of puking, toilet seats and farts on here!!! Why, oh why?

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Bug, Cobweb has clearly lost it, she is our first casualty to PG fever.