What do you wish you were good at?


Statistics! The only statistic I feel confident about is stating I 100% hate statistics



I often wonder what on earth was I thinking when I decided to do a PhD, fully knowing that I was dyslexic.

My husband says it's because I 'like a challenge'.... but I'd think there are limits to that!!

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======= Date Modified 23 Feb 2011 22:56:42 =======
Ooh, there's some good things on this thread! I really like the idea of doing a painting course in the gap between submitting and viva. And I have friends who work as translators who can each speak about five languages - I admire that so much.

I wish I was better at physical stuff - I've got arthritis so have to be careful about the physical activity I do or I end up unable to walk the following day, but I'm also overweight and completely unfit. It's unfortunate because the university I'm at seems to be sport mad - every patch of ground on campus is covered in sports pitches and the national teams for several sports train in the facilities here, quite apart from the student societies! When I was younger I wanted to do the round-the-world yacht race that complete amateurs can take part in, but the arthritis means I'll never be able to (quite apart from it costing about half a house to take part in!)


I wish I was a skilled politician. I could then talk myself out of all the tricky holes I'm going to dig for myself in the viva. 'I can see why you think I'm wrong, but if you see things from my perspective you'll see why I'm right...'


Realising my talents and potentials. I am fortunate to be blessed with more than my fair share of talent...and I wish that I could make the most of every aspect I have.

On a second point, I wish that my photography business was really going places...got the photographic talent and am applying it, but the first steps of business are tough. (If anyone is looking for a landscape/stormscape for their wall to avert depression drop me a line and ill send you my link lol)

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I wish I were better at being tidy and organised. I just found a stray essay on my desk that I should have handed back on Monday and I can't find the print off of my chapter half becaue of all the piles of paper on my desk...


Two things come to mind, both already covered by other people....
Wish I could play an instrument really well. i had flute lessons at school, but wish I'd learned the guitar instead. I did try teaching myslef a few years ago, but I don't really have the inclincation to put the effort into practicing.....I want to be good now!

Also wish I could speak another language fluently (or near fluently) I was born in Paris and lived there til I was nearly 2. My French get me an A at GCSE but even then I couldn't actually hold a proper conversation with a French person!


Good question! Lots of things I wish I were good at I am already learning (playing the piano, knitting) and I am enjoying the learning process so much that if I could magically do them straight away I would actually be quite disappointed! I already speak Italian and French and tbh I am too lazy to learn any more languages....:p

I wish I were better at DIY AND computers as it would save money on calling in the odd job man for probably quite easy things and I wish I could be fitter without making any effort at all! I also wish I were a super-organized mummy who manages to send their children to school with the right things on the right days.....

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I wish I were good at knowing when to call it quits on a relationship going wrong. I always hang in there for far too long, ignore all of my intuitions, make countless excuses for the other party and blame myself for more than 50%.