a treat for yourself after submission


Of course, you will all be spending every second preparing for the viva...


Wow, so many replies, thank you! Nice to see that Phds have thoughts about the life after their PhD:)) I really like the idea about reading books without feeling guilty, something I have been wanting to do for a while. Camping and cycling sound good but as I have never done it, it might turn into disaster:) And shopping-spay after PhD-great. I add my own idea to go to an amusement park with some friends and have fun for a day. Now finishing PhD looks much attractive than before;)


This thread has inspired me...other things I want to do when I submit: see the Simpsons movie, trace my ancestors and spend MORE THAN 15 minutes (!!!) for lunch at one of the nice places my bus takes me past in the mornings but which are too far away from my building to get to and back when I'm supposed to be working.


I just last week promised myself a trip to China. *grin* And just to make it all the more enticing, that was the day after I resigned from my job! Ho! Ho! Still, ever the optimist as things always come in threes... that's - new job, PhD, trip.