======= Date Modified 13 Oct 2009 21:21:21 =======
How are you guys doing? hope you all had a nice weekend :-)
update on my goals. just so i can cross them off! hehe
my goals
1. finish 1st draft of paragraph B. DONE ! (finally!) :-)
2. re-read and check paragraph B and finalise. DONE! :-)
3. write 1st draft of paragraph A. DONE! :-)
4. finalise draft of paragraph A DONE! :-)
5. final read and check for typos DONE! :-)
6. email paragraph A and B to internal examiner DONE! :-)
tommorow i will start work on the minor amendments.
Hi everyone, Congratulatoins on getting your paragraphs done, Lara, and good luck with the minor corrections.
Today I am dragging myself off the sofa, and not turning on the TV, in order to finish the following:
1. Finish re-drafting my second case study chapter outline.
2. Research/read around my third chapter outline.
3. Begin writing my third chapter outline; this is completely from scratch, but I will use the structure I developed in the first two case study chapter outlines as a skeleton plan.
Hopefully, I will work fast enough to be able to justify watching Loose Women while making and eating lunch; and then be strong enough to tun the TV off, and get back to work.
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======= Date Modified 16 Oct 2009 20:30:12 =======
Thanks Eska!! so nice of you to say :) ..how are you getting on?
i heard back from my internal examiner yesterday, and i was so nervous opening the email. but to my upmost suprise he said the two new paragraphs were perfect and is hoping that i get the other minor amendments done within the next few days. i was floored! i guess spending a week on the paragraphs paid off hehe :-) so i'm a happy bunny.
now i gotta do the list of minor errors and redo all the toc etc.
my goals are - fix errors for chapters 1-7....
chapter 1: 17 errors. number of errors fixed so far = 17/17 - >> 0 remaining. DONE! :-)
chapter 2: 9 errors: number of errors fixed = 9/9. DONE! :-)
chapter 3: 6 errors: DONE! :-)
chapter 4: 8 errors. number of errors fixed so far = 8/8 >> 0 remaining. DONE! :-)
chapter 5: 7 errors. number of errors fixed so far = 2/7 >> 5 reamining.
WOW!!! thats fantastic Lara, you must be so proud of yourself with all these DONE's and Perfect from from your internal! You're speeding along and it will all be a finished in no time ready for some more partying for you! :)
well done, its great to hear a success story and can't wait to be there myself!! Keep up the good work! (up)
Yeah Lara, that's brilliant, well done; the end cannot be far off now.
I'm taking it easy, I wasn't well on Thursday and Friday, so have only finished my re-draft of a chapter outline and done a bit of reading - but still need to do some more; I haven't started the last chapter outline yet.
Today I'm watching vacuous movies on TV, going out to pick up my friend's birthday present, and then maybe do a bit of writing, but mostly just spending the day not worrying. I'm just soooo tired! I need to rest. I've vowed not to drink tonight because it will take me days to recover and I can do without that. So that's probably the most important thing to account to you today: I'm not drinking tonight!
======= Date Modified 18 Oct 2009 19:41:13 =======
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======= Date Modified 17 Oct 2009 17:14:06 =======
aww thank you so much Alpacalover!! so nice of you to say! you totally made my day! :-) i really appreciate it!! so kind of you! :)
Thank you so much Eska!! I really appreciate that! put a big smile on my face! and given me the motivation to keep going! its really nice to have you join in on the thread!!
thats a really good idea about taking it easy and resting! good luck with your goal to not drinking!
my goals for this weekend is to get all the errors fixed and done! and so on monday i can do the final checks etc.
my goals are - fix errors for chapters 1-7....
chapter 1: 17 errors. number of errors fixed so far = 17/17 - >> 0 remaining. DONE! :-)
chapter 2: 9 errors: number of errors fixed = 9/9. DONE! :-)
chapter 3: 6 errors: DONE! :-)
chapter 4: 8 errors. number of errors fixed so far = 8/8 >> 0 remaining. DONE! :-)
chapter 5: 7 errors. number of errors fixed so far = 7/7 >> 0 remaining. DONE! :-)
chapter 6: 11 errors. number of errors fixed so far = 10/11 >> 1 remaining.
chapter 7: 3 errors
I can't write even 15 minutes a day...what should I do? It seems I have forgotten everything I ever read on my topic. :-(
Hi Lara, I've had a change of mind, and have decided to just go out and have the time of my life and s*d all the consequences and the budget. Weheyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
Good luck with your corrections, I reckon, judging by your progress with paragraphs, you'll have them done in no time. 8-)
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======= Date Modified 18 Oct 2009 20:00:37 =======
My goals for today, is to FINISH all the errors. i have 4 errors remaining. and then going to reward myself and chill for the rest of the night and watch dvds.
chapter 1: 17 errors. number of errors fixed so far = 17/17 - >> 0 remaining. DONE! :-)
chapter 2: 9 errors: number of errors fixed = 9/9. DONE! :-)
chapter 3: 6 errors: DONE! :-)
chapter 4: 8 errors. number of errors fixed so far = 8/8 >> 0 remaining. DONE! :-)
chapter 5: 7 errors. number of errors fixed so far = 7/7 >> 0 remaining. DONE! :-)
chapter 6: 11 errors. number of errors fixed so far = 10/11 >> 0 remaining. DONE! :-)
chapter 7: 3 errors DONE! :-)
yipeee all the examiners errors fixed. and fixed a few that i found whilst reading my thesis during my viva revision, that my examiners hadnt seen :$ you know i have to say I am SOO impressed how meticulous my examiners were they must have read my thesis so carefully and i love how for most of the errors they suggested words and crossed out other words. i only had a couple of instances where it was just written "rewrite sentence" most of the errors they crossed out certain words and put in other words. i was truly blessed with amazing examiners :-) i cant thank them enough - will forever be grateful.
now i just have to add NEW references, and do final checks and bits and bobs. and then go over it again to make sure its looking perfect and convert them into PDF files etc. all of which i will do tommorow. onwards. clocking out now.
Hi Lara,
That's great that your examiners were so helpful and that you are making swift progress, you'll be finished in no time now!
I haven't done any work. I did have a fantastic night on Saturday, truly brilliant and not too much of a hangover on Sunday. However the family nightmare/trauma returned and I've just been totally knocked out; I haven't been able too do any work yesterday or this morning as I'd planned. I went, with my parents, to my sister's grave yesterday and found a 5foot by 3 foot, and 3 1/2 foot deep, slate obilisque was lying across it. It's in a wildlife burial ground and wildlife was her thing so we'd planned to have her plot as a wild flower garden. The obilsque was made as a seat to go next to a tree my cousin planted and is inscribed from him to her, even though they didn't know eachother very well - the names of myself, her daughter or her parents are not on it, and there is no room on her plot for anything else. My mum and dad knew this was going to happen, but didn't warn me before I saw it, they are also refusing to have our names added to the stone. Needless to say, I have been devastated. Especially so as my parents and her daughter are now saying they very much want the obilisque to stay, as it is, o the plot, so I really have no choice but to 'get used to the idea' as my dad so sensitively barged at me. I told them how much it meant to me to lose this space to remember my sister, but my dad just said I shouldn't feel that way, that I didn't really feel that way and was just making a point against my cousin and his family, I should stop being silly, and there was no way they were going to change their minds, no matter what I sad my feeling are. I'm bloody 40 for god's sake!!! Various Christmas horrors also resurfaced. If my dad wasn't helping with my fees, right now, I'd just ditch him and be free, I've had enough.
So, that's my weekend giving myself plenty of TLC right now and hoping the students won't be able to tell from my bulging eyes that I've been crying for ever. Hopefully, this, together with the warning from Christmas future about our employment prospects hasn't totally deprerssed everyone this morning
======= Date Modified 19 Oct 2009 16:30:25 =======
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