Ok, let me know how your 45 madman spree goes. Its amazing how many words you can write in that amount of time if you just WRITE! I am sure you will have good progress.
Its also nice to hear that the Flowers paradigm works for you--I know its made such a difference for me, to unpack the writing process and give it some different levels or tasks! It keeps me from feeling scared when staring at huge chunks of writing that need to be brought together--I just remind myself its time for the carpenter to get to work!
I will do some writing tonight, I think, as I need to get thoughts focused on a few particular sections. What my writing now feels like is filling in the potholes in a road--the main stuff is written and I am just finding the holes and trying to improve the discussion and my own analysis by including relevant pieces of things that add (I hope) some depth and clarity.
I will come back and see how your 45 madman spree went~!!
that is fantastic Olivia, that the main writing is done and you're filling in the holes. well done you!
yes i love the flowers technique, its brilliant!
well my 45 minutes are up. i even cheated and turned back the egg timer to buy me 5 more minutes so i could squeeze in a few more words haha. funny isn't that? how the mind works!
total words 345. and hurrah! the document is no longer blank. and also i have added 2 figures i found from a presentation i did years ago on the study! so i am now using my presentation slides as a foundation to write my methods chapter.
hope your writing is going well
*sets the egg timer for another 45minutes*
thanks for the support and encouragement. i feel better now.
i meant *methods section*
this chapter has 4 parts: introduction. method. results. discussion.
introduction. i have done a madman draft which i did a couple of days ago.
i will try to get the method section done tonite and then do the other two sections tommorow morning.
feeling sleepy now. but will do another 45 minutes and see how i feel.
45mins: 279 words, and a couple of more diagrams.
i am really sleepy now. i am going to go to bed and continue working on the chapter tommorow
now that the blank page is no more, and i am using my presentation as a foundation. its much easier
will try to get a skeleton draft completed in a few hours tommorow. and then send the 1st draft on monday.
i'm off to bed now. thanks again for your help Olivia!
Congrats Lara, sounds like you did some hard work and some good work, and now you are another 600 or so words down the road--good job! Sometimes just getting ANYTHING on the page, so its not blank, is the most important part to get going! That blank page can be very intimidating. It sounds like your chapter is really shaping up!
hello from tokyo, from one serious ABDer to kindred spirits! i also came across this famous JB 15 minute book in a library in Tokyo when searching for help last year, but had all but forgotten about it. it was great to be reminded of it by this thread, so I'd love to join in and hopefully post about daily targets etc. if that's ok
anthropologa, i'm also writing up an anthropology phd, so it's nice to be on a thread with a fellow anthropologist.
i have something that vaguely resembles a first draft, and am trying to add/cut/rearrange etc. to get it into shape by the end of september...
looking forward to participating in the forum!
Thanks Olivia! You're so right, a blank page is very intimidating. you're right, once you're on a roll its easier.
well today is my last day before the big deadline tommorow.
my aims today:
1. chapter 6
a) introduction
b) methods
c) results
d) discussion.
2. Final proof reading and corrections for chapters:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7.
3. create table of contents.
and then God willing:
monday email my Supervisor my first draft and then tuesday i have my day off!! yippee first day off in 3 weeks and going to the Alicia Keys concert!! i am going to be so happy when i email my sup the 1st draft. even though its an incomplete draft and needs ALOT more work. its at least *something*.
Just to say what a great idea to list our aims for the day, it really helps to keep me motivated! Anyway thought i would add my aims for the day as well!!!
Finish draft chapter 7 to hand in tomorrow!! (Have same deadline as Lara). Fingers crossed and good luck to everyone who has deadlines to meet this week!!!
tractor girl, thanks
its me and you kiddo!! good luck with your deadline too!! it's going to be a longggggggggggggggg day/night ahead of us!! but just think once we've done it, we can relax on monday. yippeee partyyyyyy
we can do it!!
*hands tractor girl some extra strong superglue to attach yourself to your chair*
*glues myself to my chair until 6pm*
3.30pm - 4pm: chapter 6: methods
4pm - 6pm: results
6pm : 10 min break.
and evaluation of the progress of chapter 6:
6pm - 7pm: discussion.
7pm - 8pm: tidy up/proof read/sort out chapter 6.
8pm *deadline for final chapter 6*
well thats the plan! lol
Thanks for the glue!!! Have become unstuck for a 10 min break but will be using it again in a minute for another 2 hour stint!!! Aim: to get all the main findings from the thesis down and to try to relate to how they contribute to the field as a whole! Try to get this done by 8pm (with a couple of 10 min breaks in between) then aim to write future plans!! Will check in at 8pm to let you know my progress!!! Good luck with all your chapter 6 work, you can do it!! We are slowly getting there!! Keep up the good work xx
thanks tractor girl! i must admit its really nice to know you're working away. gives me inspiration and the will to carry on!
i just had a 5 minute break, got some coke! i dont drink fizzy drinks usually. but today i am desperate!
okay update:
just finished a sketchy version of the methods section. somethings are inaccurate. but its the best i can do in the time allocated. i've added a disclaimer to chapter 6: claiming it is INCOMPLETE.
now about to work on the results section.
next aim/target.
5.20pm - 6.20pm: complete results section.
*sets egg timer for 1 hour*
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