Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day


aim 2 chapter 2 methods : summary/outline: completed.

debating whether to call it a night now or not.. feeling tired.


okay folks. i am calling it a day.

met aims 1, 2, and 3. just finished summarising chapter 3.

i will finish the thesis map tommorow. goodnight.


Morning everyone. Just having a little break from todays work:
Today's Aims:
1. Write up three sections of literature review, which I made notes for yesterday.
2. Tidy my desk as it looks like a bomb's hit it!!!
Hope everyone has a good day's writing today!!


Hi Everyone!

Very late start for me. Had a bit of a nightmare yesterday as my two supervisors have very conflicting advice about a couple of my chapters so spent a lot of yesterday and this morning in a bit of a panic!! Basically my first supervisor wants me to merge chapter 4 and 5 cutting out some of the material and basically re-writing it. She has not supervised anyone before and my second supervisor (who has supervised many students)


had told me to keep chapter 4 and 5 separate as it shows my thought processes and the work i had to do to change my method to get the results i discuss in chapter 5. Anyway i don't know what to do!!!! I am inclined to go with the second supervisor as she is more experienced but to note down all the comments from the first supervisor and make sure i have these clear in my head for any potential viva questions (If i ever get to the viva stage!!!!. It's still quite unsettling though to have such conflicting advice!!!


Anyway, aims for today (i need to focus and get something done!!!)

Continue with Chapter 3 (hopefully get this finished late tonight) with changes etc.
Aim to get it formatted for the university.

Hope everyone has a great day!

PS Thanks SillyBilly- Curry was lovely, chicken madras, bit hot but yum yum!!!!


Hey everyone. logging in today.

my aims:

thesis outline summary of:

1. chapter 4
2. chapter 5
3. chapter 6
4 chapter 7


sillybilly, can totally relate to the bomb site mess issue! i keep tidying up and then it becomes a mess again!


tractorgirl, oh what a conundrum. that's a toughie. i guess go with the opinion you most agree with and are comfortable with! i would prefer to keep the two chapters seperate also.


Thanks Lara for the advice! Hope you have a good day!


you're welcome


i am struggling with my summary! i keep going over the limit of only one sentence per paragraph or per result.

i think i will go back and cut down even more. otherwise supervisors will be peeved that its too long.

just finished chapter 4.

taking a break now. and then going to do chapter 5.


Hi all,

Finally reached my aims for the day!! Annoyed i spent so much of the day worrying but have got there in the end (although am really tired!). Anyway hope everyone met their aims and that everyone has a good weekend!!!


well dont tractorgirl, so proud of you for accomplishing your aim! have a good night sleep!

i am still plodding away at my summary. working on chapter 5 at the moment. took a nap earlier on, so am wide awake. wont go to bed until i am completely done with the summary, so i can actually start working on my chapters again tommorow!


lol sorry

its not meant to be well dont .. lol that sounds so rude

its meant to be obviously WELL DONE!!! okay maybe i am abit more tired than i thought!!!


lol that was quite funny. typo error of the day i think! doh!


okay just finished chapter 5. and omg my summary is 60 pages! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh i need to cut it down further. i will finish chapter 6. and then go into chopping mode for the rest of the chapters.

my supervisors wont be happy with a 60 page summary. they were pissed at a 180 page draft.

i will try to go back and cut it down further.