Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day


PS sorry about all the little mistakes in this post, am getting a bit tired!


celesmai well done!
TG - i can totally relate with unrealistic goals! i do the same. as long as you do something on your thesis, that's what counts so well done on starting chapter 6 you'll get there! one day at a time


*clocking out*

finally finished aim 1 - been working on it for the past week! reading articles and making notes on cluster analysis. went through like 15 pages worth of google pages. i think i got abit obsessive and carried away!!! will be more strict next time on my aims, and not spend too much time on one aspect. time is ticking by!

total productive time = 4 hours and 15 minutes (tracked using the egg timer website)
total words verbatim notes on cluster analysis: 5900 words.

I wont be online tommorow, taking half a day off in the evening - going to the michael buble concert with some friends , hence why i pushed myself to get aim 1 done today. but am spending half of the day tommorow at the library though, just xeroxing references, nothing too taxing.

have a great day ya'll

me sleepy, me off to bed.


enjoy the concert lara - half days off are great to get the mind focused again! TG -it takes a while to work out realistic aims doesnt it! The chocolate helps.
Had my class last night - was good! Tired this morning so just starting for the day. Aims are:
1. read book on forgotten continent
2. type up refs so far for chap 2


Hi everyone,

Glad everyone had a good day yesterday.
Celesmai : Glad you enjoyed your class, and hope today goes really well
Lara: Well done for getting your aim 1 finished!! Brilliant! Hope you enjoy the concert tonight.

My aims for today : Chapter 6!
Am off tomorrow as i have to get a load of references so making a day of it in London so might not get a chance to post. So if not hope everyone has a brilliant day tomorrow and see you Friday! (crikey another week nearly gone!!!!!!!!)


hello hope your days in london and at the concert are going/have gone well. Yesterday went well but i didnt get as much of aim 1 done as i had hoped so today's aims are:
1. finish text
2. type up refs
3. start to type notes from text into chapter outline


aims met for yesterday. Aims for today
1. Read another text
2. Notes on brazil


Hi Everyone

Having an awful day today. Very emotional and just can't seem to stay focussed. I really want to get chapter 6 finished by Sunday and also add my changed figures to the other results chapters and change the figure legends. I normally work from home but Monday i am going in to get chapter 2-6 converted to PDF to hand in, but i am very worried i won't get it all finished by Sunday. Last week i was ill and i guess i am just feeling under pressure. I want the whole thesis in by the 18th August but it seems impossible! Oh well, i think i need to have a break, then try and re-focus. If i get get chapter 6 finished by tomorrow night i will be happier so i guess i will try to focus on this and then think about the rest.
I wanted it all finished so that i can focus then on chapter 1 and 7 over the next 3 weeks so i must try to stick to this.


Anyway, i hope everyone else is having a much better day!!!


hey celesmai and tractorgirl!
thanks for the messages

concert was brilliant!!

but i've been very naughty past two days not done anything on my thesis. ooooooooooooooops

i hope tommorow i will be all productive

tractorgirl = i hear ya! i also have been emotional and're definately not alone in feeling the way you feel.

and i know i can't believe another week just zoomed by, feel like i hardly got anything done!

oh well onwards and upwards as they say. don't look back, just look at what you need to do day by day. but yah beginning to panic as getting very close to the 2 month mark now eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek feel like there's so much to do and so little time. but i guess all we can do is as much as possible and hope for the best! lol and then study like mad for the viva


Glad you enjoyed the concert Lara, brilliant! Thanks also for the advice, you are right i must forget about my bad day and carry on as best i can!
Ok aims for today: Chapter 6!

think this is going to be a very long day so might well be joining you for a late night to try to get as much done as possible!!!!!!


hellooo tractorgirl! i will be joining you aswell! i got loads to do today!!

my aims: i thought i would break them down then it might seem less daunting.

1. R cluster analysis patients 1-16 (most of the analysis done from last yeah - make an appendix)

2. global R cluster analysis

3. theory behind maximum parsimony tree analysis

4. penny trees of patients 1-16 (most of them done from before)

5. results section; describe R cluster results: some examples in main text

6. results section; describe penny trees: some examples in main text

7. compare results from cluster and penny.


Hi Lara

How is it going? I have just had a tea break and am now starting work again. Breaking up the work is a great idea.
My aims until 8 pm: sections 6.2.6, 6.2.7, Sort out table 6.1, 6.2.8!! Here goes!!!!!


i'm sorry to report, i didnt get anything done today. had abit of a stressful moment. which i wont bore you guys with. readers digest version, in a nutshell - people giving advice about sending harsh email to sup, i didn't want to, so instead wrote a polite email. and now said person is not happy about that. i know said person is only trying to help. but at the end of the day, i always believe that you should always do what you feel is right in your heart. and not follow advice blindly like a robot. anyways i sent another email to my sup today, asking him if i can meet just for a few minutes to get my forms signed.
but the point is, that people may advice, but they dont know the ins and outs, and i dont believe that sending harsh emails to supa - not matter if they have been rude to the student or uncoperative or negative, i am still the student, and i still have to be polite, as being "harsh" or abrupt - that will never warrant cooperation.


but TG i am so proud of you! you go girl