Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day


Hello lovelies!!
Im Back.
Had a bit of a productive leave of absence. Finished that awful conference paper I was working on and handed it in. Now im freewriting my way through my thesis.
Also doing lots of training courses to hopefully come out with some professional qualifacations gotta love research training.
How have you guys all been?
How is that elusive work going?



liminalplace, welcome back!!!


okay my aim for tommorow is to wake up at 6am. i once read that if you declare your goal publicly you're more likely to do it. so i am going to give it a go!

off to bed now. i was going to go to bed by midnight, but my internet decided to stop working, so had to reinstall it, thankfully its working now.

see you all tommorow bright and shiny.


woke up at 8am.

My aims for the morning:

1. Global R cluster analysis.
2. R cluster results section. description of each patient analysis.


hello all hope you had a good weekend. Good news lara you should like you are being productive. I find early mornings best myself- by lunch if you have completed something you feel great plus you can have some time off in the evening to go for a walk or something. That said I'm only starting now and normally I try for earlier but this hot weather is draining me! All the best with aims for today- keep going you are both getting there TG and Lara.
My aims are:
1. Notes for section 1 of chapter 2 typed
2. Finish latin american history book
3. sort other texts - decide what needs included where!

See you all later


Hi Everyone!!

My computer has been playing up so a bit late with my aims for today!!!
Anyway hope everyone is having a great day and getting loads done.

My aims (before my computer decides to crash!!!)

Add some references to my Endnote library

Sort out some mass spec data

Get references for chapter 7

Start chapter 7!

Start re-reading a kay paper a day from now on, making more notes and generally trying to remind myself about certain key papers!!!

Hope everyone has a good day!!!!!!!!


hey all hope today went well. I worked on and off all day. Builders started next door so that was driving my puppy insane! And me. This heat is killing me. Aims 2 and 3 are done. Aim 1 is half way there. so aims for tomorrow as I will not get on in the morning as I have to work are:
to finish FC notes.


hi girls, me clocking out for tonight. going to get an early night. i hope you both had a good day...

today was really hot, so i felt sluggish, took a very long nap in the late afternoon!

didn't finish my aims, but made a start..beginning to understand it now.

i'm hoping tommorow i will be more productive. it's meant to be cooler tommorow.

total hours clocked in = 5 hours.
total actual "productive time" calculated by eggtimer website = 2 hours.


my aim tommorow is to clock in more hours!!!
"Hearing Chris Martin talk about the hours he works and his creative process also led me to think of other ways people generate ideas for their writing.

1. Seat Time – Put the Hours in
In an interview on the Charlie Rose show, Chris Martin was surprised to be asked where he gets his ideas for the words and music of his songs. Martin confessed that he, like most composers and writers, doesn’t know where his ideas for music and lyrics come from. He said, “I just sit and play and play and play. I never know where a song comes from. It’s time. I just put the hours in.” "

so that's my aim aswell, put in the hours...


i am aiming to wake up at 5am. well here's me hoping! i do prefer working in the morning..
and then will take a short nap in the afternoon. research shows that people who take a short nap before 3pm, for 20minutes-1 hour, are more productive.

i took a bike ride today aswell for about 20minutes, which i think in the long run will help me.

goodnight folks, see you tommorow


well done celesmai on completing aims 2 and 3, that's brilliant!!


Hi Everyone,

Well done for getting some of your aims done. I am suffering from the heat aswell!!! It is so muggy and hot!! I shouldn't moan as i guess it is a change from the rain, but i too am feeling sluggish!!
Celesmai: Being pregnant must be quite uncomfortable in the heat so hope it cools down soon.

Lara: Know what you mean about having a nap in the afternoon, i did this too!
As for the aims, nearly done but didn't add in my references or read my key paper but tomorrow is another day!!
Aims for now : Go to bed, get up 8 am, and spend the day working on chapter 7
Here's to a good cooler day for everyone tomorrow!!


PS Lara: Your bike rides are a great idea, i am sure exercise helps keep the mind fresh! I have just eaten yet another chocolate based dessert before bed so must start doing some running or something!! Otherwise i am going to end up like a barrel!!!!


yeh!! it's cooler today!! i could hear the heavy rain last night.

well done TG on nearly completeing your aims.

well i did wake up at 5am, but i felt sooo tired, i went back to bed after a few minutes lol. eventually i got up at 9.30am. okay maybe i was being unrealistic on waking up THAT early. i will be more lenient on myself and aim for like around 8am.

I am going to take regular breaks today and see if i can "clock" in more hours at my desk.


thanks TG re: bike ride comment
yah you're right :) i will aim to exercise at least every other day. one day exercise, one day rest.

my aims:
1. finish making notes on how to describe cluster analysis
2. describe cluster data for 16 patients.
3. notes on maximum parsimony
4. describe penny data for 16 patients.
5. compare penny and cluster data.
6. SNP data
7. compare microsatellite data with SNP data

looking at my list of aims, i'm already predicting i wont get it all done

i might try a different strategy today. give myself a "limited" time per aim, say 1 hour or so. and if i don't get it done, *tough* i have to move onto the next. that way i am hoping it will keep me from getting bored/stuck on one aim. and that way i will have done at least a little bit on each aim.