wow- you all work so hard. Just wanted to ask does study time also include trying to figure out what needs done, read etc? Or does it only include time writing up, reading etc? At the moment, i'm going round in circles, reading bits here and there.
I tried to do a 9-5 yesterday- you know treat it like a normal job and then stop at 5. But i find that i can only focus for short periods of time- 30 minutes i'm ashamed to say. In total i got about 3 hours done- and read one full chapter of a book which for me is a huge achievement.
Today- its 1.30 still not started even though woke up at 10am. Trying to start though...
angie, 3 hours is GREAT!! and you accomplished alot! reading a chapter from a book! that is really good. as reading takes alot of concentration, and despite what people think, it is ACTIVE. you are trying to understand what you are reading.
and in answer to your question YES - anything related to your phd, counts, whether, its planning, brainstorming, thinking, studying something to understand it, reading, writing, making a rough draft, editing, it all most definately counts.
if it makes you feel any better, i have been procrastinating all day today! i just couldnt get started and was feeling very overlwelmed by the huge to do list i made myself in the beginning of the day ! so i've been reading lots of articles on the internet, about how to alleviate boredom, how to improve concentration, to do lists, mind maps, etc. i even downloaded a 30 day demo of mindjet map. which i had alot of fun mapping out one of my chapter sub sections.
which has given me the boost i needed. as i can add to it, and check things off, or say that 50% of its done, and set a time or day aside to go back to it.
if anyone is interested the website site is
but ever since i installed it, i have been able to focus and concentrate better. whenever a thought pops into my head like "oh no i still have to do X for section XX for chapter Z - i quickly go to my mindmap for chapter Z , and make a note of it, and if i really am worried, i set myself a day/time for when i should work on it"
that way its written down, and my brain doesnt keep reminding me. and i know its safe that its written and i can see to it at a later stage.
i also learnt how its NOT good to multitask, concentrate on one task at a time, which includes not checking emails or blogs or whatever. for 15minutes only do the task at hand.
i've also made myself a worry mindmap. where i put things that begin to make me worry. and i read, you should set aside a specific time in the day to do all your worrying. it shouldn't be just before bed, and it should be after you are done with your days work.
i also read NOT to check your email AT all all day. and leave it till after you have finished working. as a simple email can waste hours of time, if its the wrong email (aka email from a supervisor that leaves you falling into dispair)
so i've allocated checking emails, and worrying for the evening.
like for example say to yourself, okay between 9.00pm - 9.10pm, i can spend 10 minutes worrying.
and anytime during the day whilst you are studying, if a worry thought comes into your head, write it down, and then tell yourself STOP you will worry about it at the designated time.
and you know what. it actually works. i've managed to control my worry thoughts, which is really negative fantasy. and its becoming less. because i remind myself that NOW is not the time to worry that i am scheduled to worry at 9pm. i know it sounds funny, which actually helps. and then at 9pm, spend 10minutes worrying. and then stop. instead of worrying affecting your concentration and sucking up your productive time, allocating a specific time for it, actually helps and controls it, and makes sure you dont waste time worrying.
i have also started a log sheet. where i set my egg timer to a specific time, usually 15minutes, because that's my concentration span. and then in the 2nd column i write what i need to do. and then when the buzzer goes off, i have to put my pen down, and in the 3rd column write down EXACTYL what i did during those 15minutes.
and you know what, it actually feels good to see it.
and then i take a couple of minutes break.
another thing i learnt about is the KWL method
which consists of having a sheet of paper with 3 columns:
column 1: what do you Know (write down what you know right now (or i changed it slightly for us phd writers - write down current stage of section of your chapter)
column 2: what do you think you Will learn (write down what you would like to know, what you hope to get out of doing a particular thing)
column 3: what did you Learn (write down what new knowledge you've learned).
you will be suprised in how in even as little as 15minutes, you can gain new knowledge, insight, or accomplish a certain amount of writing/editing.
also i learnt about the cornell note taking system.
which is in 3 parts:
part A: write your notes while you're reading your textbook.
part B: write your own questions concerning the notes
part C: read part A notes and ask yourself questions from B - and then write a small summary of the notes.
the point is to be active in your reading. keep asking questions, and you will be more alert.
thanks lara- your commnts are so helpful, especially about how to note take. I guess my problem at the moment is that the material i have points to som many different things and issues and constructing one common theme/thread is impossible.
There is one book i'm reading- it has got to be the most boring book i have ever read- every time i read it, i instantly forget its contents (its that boring), which means i have to read it again and again...i can't ignore it though as its directly related to my research topic- it gives a very broad overview of the issues i need to address. But still its torture reading it- all that quantative analysis (which i loathe) and those figures...cant bear it. no wonder i procrastinate
Hi Everyone!
Well, i am signing off for the evening! Had a bit of a nightmare day. I have been trying to read up on some stuff for my chapter 7. The first draft of this chapter needs a lot of work but it is so hard to pull the whole thesis together and try to relate it to the wider world!!!!! I'm really having to think loads and i can't seem to at the minute!!! Anyway, i have not read as much as i should have because i started to panic etc!! Anyway, know watching Holby City and then will go back to the reading for a few hours, then bed. Will then start afresh tomorrow morning and aim to get all my reading done by tomorrow night so i can start re-writing the chapter thursday to Sunday. I must get the next draft done by the end of Sunday as i then will need the next two weeks to sort out chapter 1!
Anyway, i guess i must stop panicking, try to read around a bit more and think about how my results can contribute to the subject as a whole.
Anyway, hope everyone else is having a good day.
Lara: What a good idea to just check emails etc at a set time, i hadn't realised how distracting there are but you are right!! I also am guilty of replying to emails and before you know it an hour has gone by!!!!!
Angi81: Don't worry, Lara is right everything counts!!! Reading, writing a draft of a chapter, writing plans, etc. Also your 3 hours work is great! I am terrible, can only work for about 40min-1 hr before i need a 5 min break!!! You are really doing well and will definitely get there. Well done and keep it up!!
Anyway, holby city beckons!!!!! Have a great rest of the evening everyone, and see you bright and early tomorrow morning!!!
I must focus tomorrow and not panic if the ideas don't come immediately, if i panic i stop being creative and can't write!!! Right new aims for tonight:
Holby city,
Read for 2 hours/note rough notes to improve chapter 7.
Go to bed!
My total productive time today will then have only been 4 hours but at least it is something! Tomorrow i will spent all day getting all the reading done and notes etc so i have something concrete to write tomorrow. Tomorrow night i am also going to see Mamma Mia! at the cinema with a couple of work friends so this will also be an incentive to work hard in the day as i want to feel like i deserve the break or i will feel guilty!
Anyway sorry for waffling on, it just helps to get how i feel out of my system!!!!
Anyway see everyone tomorrow morning!!!
Have a great night!
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