Hi walminskipeas *waves* :-) I'm glad of the company!! gets lonely during the night shift!
so what have you got planned for tonight?
yah one week! i know, yikeasmondo! yah you're right just the final push, i will be happy when all my chapters are completed, and i am just proof reading them! because of the time constraint really just focusing on the essentials now. 7 chapters, 7 days! it's a challenge!! hopefully by tommorow morning, i can tick one chapter off!!
just gotta get this discussion done!! and then i am going to reward myself :-)
I'm trying to get some recruitment flyers done and then trying and get some information together for some patients to appraise my research - so it's not exactly thesis finishing stuff. It's really just the beginning for me - one year in.
cool, good luck with that ! already doing night shift and only in year 1, that is impressive (up)
yeh!! finally finished the discussion section of chapter 3, hurrah :-) took the whole bleedin day! i only wanted to take a few hours on it. big difference though between want and reality! but its done. it still needs a final read through and make it all nice and flowy, i will do that later on. as i need *fresh eyes* to look at it, otherwise wont notice it. as i have just freshly written it.
so all thats left for chapter 3, is the introduction section, which is basically done just needs a rewrite and references. and then i can tick off ONE chapter off !
but i am taking a break now, body feels tired, so going to take a long hot luxirous bubble bath to relax and hopefully will make my achy muscles feel better. i never thought i would say this, but i cant wait till i can actually exercise and not just be sitting in a chair all day long. anyways hopefully i will be refreshed after that bath, and then get something to eat. and then finalise chapter 3 once and for all !!
Hehe, I really wish I was super dedicated and on top form. Truth is, I'm playing catch-up. Unfortunately for my PhD, there are other things that need attention and love, so I haven't managed to do anything for a fair few days. I hope all goes well for you later tonight and you get a lot done. Night night, Lara.:-)
Thanks Walminski :-)
ahh catch up, i know it too well hehe.
well i just back on, to say, yeh!! i finally finished chapter 3. i can finally tick it off on my wall planner. i can finally say i have one completed chapter, now only 6 chapters left to go lol
and the appendices. - you have to page number the appendix stuff right? do you have like one page that says in big letters APPENDIX 1. or is it just like in the chapters, where you just put it at the top or something.
okay im babbling. im going to bed now.
see you tommorow around midday.
======= Date Modified 16 Sep 2008 05:35:34 =======
oh and i havent been working all this time. just for an hour. i had a long bath at around 1am, then had something to eat, then came back to my desk around 4.20 and just spent an hour finishing the chapter off. i'm glad i did. cause its nice to be able to tick one chapter off. i'm closing the door on the chapter now and putting it in the freezer!
Hey fellas!!!!
Lara... u r like the PhD superbabe!!! More power to u......late nights and early mornings?? wow!!! thats true dedication I say!!!!(up)... Yeah!! and a few of the thesis which I have seen and read do have page number on the Appendices....
Rubyw.... Hey girl.... dont be sooo hard on urself.... we are not 'word churning machines'- so we will have our gud days and we will have the not so gud days.....And the best part of not having done so well in the past day was that things can only get better from there.... cheer up!!! I am sure today u will write a million words!!!!:-)
and W!!! (OOH SORRY i need a few more days to get ur whole name rite) ... How r the posters going... Yeah ... I know abt the work load, I have just started my first year and it already seems like loads of stuff piling up everyday... Teaching, reading, courses, and the hundred other administrative applications to fill up!!!!
But Hey!!!! we all knew its gonna be tough doing a PhD.... but we also knew that we were tough enough to do it!!!!
So lets go forward everyday with lots of enthusiasm......
Have a great morning all of u.....
Lara, that's excellent to have got chapter 3 finished, well done!! I love ticking things off when they're done too, so satisfying.
I did think blimey, she's up early today, when I logged in just now, but you hadn't even been to bed yet! Hope you got a decent amount of sleep in the end.
Better get down to work on that chap1, as am also playing catch up today.
See you later.
Hi girls,
How are things? So many posts since I was here last, I had to read through two pages!
Lara, great job ticking chapters off the list; you are there, I tell ya! Keep going.
TG, when a grow up (six weeks from now ;-)) I want to be just like you, with a finished, printed and bounded thesis in my hands. I'm looking up to you now (up).
Rubyw, I hope that chapter is taking shape now. Don't worry too much about the time it's taking you to get it sorted. It is time well spent since afterwards you'll find the discussion flows much easier in the following chapters.
Yesterday I was in the office all day and finished lecturing after 8pm; obviously got home wrecked and didn't want to do anything but have a shower, some dinner and to collapse in front of the telly. Now I have to catch up. I think I'll also have to skip footie tonight otherwise I won't get enough time to get it going. So, I'll keep my aims short term and start with section 3.4. I'll come back to report how I'm getting on with it.
(up) Come on girls one last push we are almost there (up)
Actually, I'm having a horrible day. The vacuum cleaner went wrong and I got splattered with filth, and I also have a worrying mini-flood between the sink and the washing machine, so will have to get the plumber in asap. What a boring thing to spend money and time on, but I have to get it sorted out before I can get back to the thesis - a slow leak will only turn into a fast and furious one when I least expect it otherwise.
Hope your work is going ok.
======= Date Modified 16 Sep 2008 16:54:23 =======
Hi everyone! thanks you all for your lovely messages :-) you all are so great.
just a quick message today as i am behind schedule! just started now. woke up at 12, but havent started.
my immediate aim
1. fix all the figures and correct results section of chapter 4 (add one analysis and then be done with it!)
as soon as i am done, then will move onto the next aim, which is results section of chapter 5. its going to be a longgggggggggg night!
lol Pari, phd superbabe, i like that!! lol thanks for the answer about appendix.thanks for the compliment too!
Ruby, oh what a drag having to deal with that. and thanks for your message and kind words :-)
Armendaf, i totally agree with you, when i grow up in (2 weeks time) i wanna just be like TG too! thanks for your positive encouragement!!you're right, one final push this week! just gotta get them done now, in whatever shape or form!!
thanks everyone for your words of encouragement!!
how's everyone doing?
Rubyw: I'm really sorry to hear about your flood and the hoover. I hope everything is alright. What timing. It is typical, when ever we all seem to be super busy, extra stuff like this always seems to happen. Hope everything is ok. Don't worry too much about the thesis today as you have lots of time and have done so much. You are doing so well and hope you are not too stressed with everything that has gone on today. Once fixed, you can carry on and before you know it the thesis will be finished.
Armendaf: Hope you are well and having a good week. Hope also the tooth is ok still and that if you are at football tonight that you are enjoying it. Also, i think the progress you have made since i last send a post is great. Good luck and hope section 3.4 is going well.
Pari: Thanks so much for your lovely message!!!!!!! You have so much enthusiasm and that is really helping us all to meet our aims!!!!!!! You have also done so much which is really fantastic!!!!!!!!! Hope your day has gone well.
Lara: You are steaming ahead!!!! Well done, you are almost there!!!!!!!! You are definitely going to meet your deadline and should be really proud by a) how much you have done and b) by your sheer determination!! You really do inspire me not just in the world of the PhD but generally. Well done and hope today is going well!!!
As for me, i submitted my thesis in to the university this morning!!! I got there for half past eight this morning and because i was the first one they had the copies bound within half an hour!!! I then went to the office to hand them in!! It feels kinda strange and when i look at my copy it doesn't feel like i wrote it!!!!! It feels quite surreal that this 265 page document has been the subject of such an intensive 7 months of blood, sweat and tears!!!!!!!! I am going to my home town tomorrow for a few days and then next week i am going to start the preparations for the viva!
But i feel i need a couple of days to let it "sink in" first!!! The other good news is that on Monday (22nd) i start a new job!!! I'm really pleased as it is something i want to do and i was also starting to think about money and how long i could go without getting a job before paying the rent would be an issue! The answer was not very long!!! The job is not in scientific research at all so i hope i can do the job ok!! It os only 15 min drive from where we live and fingers crossed it is a permanent job with the chance to progress a bit after the first year! Anyway, we will see how it goes, i am not the world's most confident person so am quite nervous about starting it but i just felt i needed a change from research! I really admire all those post-doc's out there but know that is isn't for me! Anyway, fingers crossed it goes alright!
Anyway, enough waffling on, i am now going to treat myself to fish and chips and then get an early night before going up to see my parents tomorrow!!! My mum and dad are quite funny and wanted a soft bound copy of the thesis even though i am sure it will all be changed what with the corrections etc!! But they still wanted a copy, quite sweet really!!
Anyway, hope everyone has a great evening. Keep going, everyone is doing fantastically well and not long now for everyone!!!
Will post again before Monday to say hi and then will post regularly about how the viva prep is going! Will definitely need help with the next phase so hopefully everyone will still be posting after everyone has submitted!!!
======= Date Modified 17 Sep 2008 07:29:13 =======
Hi everyone,
Tractorgirl, it's really lovely to read your news, it's brilliant to have handed it in on time and the first one to get it bound - I bet the staff were shocked - a student not leaving it to the last second before closing time!! You've worked so hard on your thesis, you really deserve a break and some time with your family. Parents are funny aren't they about the thesis, my mum fingered my first draft very gingerly and was very impressed, so heaven knows what she'll think at the end. Excellent news about the job too - perfect timing, eh!! I wonder if there's an anti-climax after handing in, before you get stuck into the viva business? Thanks for all your support on this thread btw, you've been great and I'll miss you when you're finished.
Lara, I hope section 4 and 5 are going ok, you can still pick up time if they're little sections. Just a bit more to go and then it'll all be done - it's sort of like running the London Marathon, except without the silver foil blankets* at the finishing line (you get a big fat thesis instead!!).
Armendaf, hope you're making progress on your section 3.4, though I'm amazed you've got the energy after working!
I'll just do a few hours tonight. I'll get all my notes and amendments to chapter 1 typed up in some form, to print out tomorrow at work. It's the best I can do for now, but I know it's been a difficult section to restructure so can't be helped. The plumber came and fixed all the leaky bits, so that's done for now. He was called Gary Cooper, the name of the Hollywood film star in 'High Noon', that old 1950s Western clip I was watching on YouTube yesterday - funny coincidence, eh!! Well, I thought so!
See you later, fellow writers!
* I realise I don't really know what they're for, but it's definitely not for repelling harmful alien microwaves from another planet. Or is it....?
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