Anybody else pregnant??!!


good luck to all you guys with kids and doing a phd, sounds challenging!
As for getting back into research after long term leave (eg having a baby), there's something called the daphne Jackson trust. they give fellowships to people who've been out of the research ciruit for an extended period. I think you apply for funding for a particular project and there's some kind of requirement of the lab you go to, that they will provide you with training in new techniques etc that you may not be up to speed on. Just thought that might be helpful for those of you having babies in the future!


Thank you for the tip! I keep this in mind.



I started my Phd in Dec 2006 and have a baby on 15 march 2007. I took maternity leave from March to June, and just starting back my lab works now.

It is not as easy job being a Phd student with a young family. I also had a toddler, and the situation at home is really makes me dizzy. Plus also the lab works for Phd..I still cannot manage my self and always feel dissapointed with myself.

You are lucky cause just get pregnant at the end of PhD.Just do the best with the writing and enjoy your baby! :)


A friend of mine entered her PhD viva heavily pregnant, when she got a difficult line of questioning she winced and held her stomach and the examiners backed off.

She got her phd and had the baby a few months later.


See that sounds like a good idea but knowing my luck I would actually go into labour if I did something like that!! I'm writing my thesis at the moment but I think if I get my viva before the baby arrives I will be pretty close to due date.


Like feminism never happened, Tigger...


What would happen if you went into labour during your viva?

Automatic pass?


I think, judging by the size I am now, my examiners would feel so intimidated by talking to my big bump (shall I paint a smiley on my t-shirt? would that help?) that I would get an automatic fail! But I try it as my 1st year viva seems to be on my due date - the secretary did not really get the point why I want to shift it.


Viva can be postponed after your labour.

But for me, it is better to finish all before the baby arrive! cause when you have a baby, you do not want to think about others! :).

I think the best is to discuss with school/registry/supervisor or anyone who is responsible to your viva. Let them know your due date, and try to convince them to arrange your viva a 2 or 3 weeks earlier than labour date.

That's what I did when I get pregnant during master studies:)