Did the earth move for you too?


Perhaps it was an experiment of someone's PhD research on home made earthquakes??!


hey... i felt it. first felt a sensation in my feet like something was coming towards them from the side. i was sitting in a chair meditating with my eyes closed. then the shaking, the noise in the building. definitely an encounter of the bad type. my poor brain trying to make sense of what was happening and what it was gonna do to preserve me. lol. was definitely shaken.


I was wodnering what that was!! I was afriad my houses structure was unstable or something.


Having spent most of my life in tornado alley in the US, the sensation of a building shaking and moving was not a new one--that happens in high winds, and usually is no cause for alarm. It was the rolling wave motion that woke me up fully to be aware this was not a high wind, almost as if someone was jumping up and down on the end of the bed.

Oddly, I never felt the least bit scared or panicked. Maybe I was just so tired I could not rally the energy. I was puzzled, curious and in the end went back to sleep.


jojo i wish i'd catch an earthquake while meditating! i mean, i never notice them. i guess i am just not aware enough of my surroundings. but when meditating, i guess it can't be missed!

i guess i should be happy not to notice them, as you guys who did, obviously found it quite upsetting! but then, i do feel a sort of envy - i don't have any stories to tell


believe me - when you're meditating it's a million times worse coz you can't help but think - what external force is that - God, ghosts etc. lol. and by the time your brain switches on, you are really really scared.