fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail


i made a mistake
its actually 2morrow... !

Someone in my group just got thru their viva today... she was so pleased.. she was white as a sheet when she went in .. when she came out she was like soooo happy.
I want to finish mine now!


even if she passes... i would always believe its cos her internal is good friends with her external.


Rumour has it (the group secretary) that she has passed. She must have been in and out very quickly ... I am going to wait until i have the facts until i start crying. She will now believe she has every right to control me even more


Are you okay? We haven't heard from you all day - was the rumour true?


she passed with usual corrections that have to be fone by end of month. Theres a celebration tonight at the uni bar - whcih i will be too busy to attend. And a group celebration sometime next week. Which I will probably attend. Her supervisor is the same as my first supervisor...if that makes sense.
I am scared... for some reason i am really really really scared.


Its a shame you can't go to the celebration at the uni bar, you could chuck rat poison in her drink or something


Its a shame you can't go to the celebration at the uni bar, you could chuck rat poison in her drink or something


i could go ... but i wouldnt want to ruin her night. She worked hard for it and deserves to be happy...


oh well, deal with it, and concentrate on doing your own PhD, and stand up for yourself and stop letting your life being ruined by her (basically grow a backbone)


i am not bothered much.... its just that I am in a cs department and using Latex should be acceptable. Thats life - i have to focus on getting my own phd and becoming a prof before she does


I'm amazed you can be supervised by someone without a PhD! Is it a CS thing, maybe you need a better supervisor!
In our dept. if you're not a teaching academic you struggle to be a supervisor. There are 2 supervisors with 10+ years experience in our lab who struggle to even get teaching time. One has only just been allowed her "own" student, not jointly supervised.


i am being jointly supervised by her and a prof.... so i guess its ok. Its now school policy to have joint supervision or supervision teams... i guess thats cool ... i jst have to focus on getting my phd now .... but apparently she has to send her corrections off to the external examiners... does that mean that tehy are major corrections and her thesis wasnt that good?


You can have minor or major corrections to send to the external, it is common (in my lab anyway) to get minor corrections.