Getting published in an Academic Journal


This response is a little late, but I wanted to give you some encouragement. I think it would be a good idea to try to write a manuscript that can get published, just don't expect it to happen, in fact, expect it to be rejected. If it is reject, then go to the student journals as a SECONDARY option. Even if your manuscript does not get published, this will be an extremely valuable experience that will serve you well for the rest of your academic career. You should not use it as an indication of your intelligence if you don't get published either, there are many brilliant minds who had to go through Undergraduate and Graduate education before they had the writing skills to translate their brilliant ideas into publishable form.


1) If you do end up publishing before pursuing an undergraduate degree you set yourself on a life trajectory for a fruitful academic career.
2) You will start to learn the publication process at an early age. Even if you don't get published, this knowledge will but you leaps and bounds above your peers. It will probably even improve your writing ability to such an extent that your class work will be that much easier.
3) You can continue to try to get work published during undergrad, this time with knowledge of the publication process and access to journal databases and helpful faculty.

Aim high if and only if you have thick enough skin to deal with constructive, but very harsh criticism and are not vulnerable to intellectual rejection.

I wish you best of luck!