Journal Papers, What do You Do?


Yes, I have them everywhere, gym bag, bathroom, next to bed, under bed, kitchen. The worse is when I loose one, print it again, make notes all over it, find the old one and then have to compile all the scribbles onto one!
I think the idea with using EndNote as an electonic store with P for printed ones is a good idea, I think I will go that route and give up my guilt about the paper and ink, oh, and filling up the house


This might prove to be an added expense for you, but I tend to collect together a whole load of papers, then get them ring bound at the campus stationers with different colour card to differentiate them. I now have a veritable library of plastic bound 'books' on my shelves, and I can picture wheich article is in which colour book. I find them easier to carry around than big folders, they fit in bags easier, and you can post-it, highlight and scribble to your heart's content. PS congrat's on the offer.


Thanks and thank you, this is a good idea, I did this way back for my first degree. I actually bought a ring binder and I am ashamed to say a year later, it is still in its box! You have inspired me to get some rings and card and get my papers organised


It was a really really cheap one! No idea if it works!


I've exactly the same problem, mine is also theory based and I'm really stuck about this. I've started several systems, cards- cards relating to cards,but I can't see how this will work long term. I've printed out more documents and used more trees than I care to think about. I've a filing cabinet in the garage full to bursting with stuff from my MA days, and every time I think about clearing out a few bits I also come across that vital bit of info that I will want to use, but how to remember where it is, or even that I have it is really causing problems and I would like to get it sorted before I get much further as otherwise I'm going to have to go back over a load of stuff in order to get it organised.


I have to print them out too - typically print them, read them, save a PDF file of the them and keep hard copies of any really important ones that I think I will come back to


I seem to suffer from a terminal case of hoarding. I'm terrified of throwing out articles or photocopied chapters in case I need them in the future. It didn't do me any good the other day, mind. One of my shelves gave up under the weight and fell on my head. I ended up literally buried under a pile of books and papers. I think I'm still slightly concussed, but at least I found the paper I was looking for hehehe. The joys of studying...


Filmfundi, that is funny, sorry
It is only a matter of time before the same happens here, my shelves are ditching in the middle
I have come to the conclusion that I am not going to feel guilty anymore but I am going to get more electronic (EndNote) and organize this mess, but where to start......


Good luck working out Endnote. I just can't bring myself to trust computers. One glitch and its all scrambled, scary thought. To err is human, to really foul up requires a computer heheheh (imagine a grinning smily here...see? I can't even figure that one out!)