Phd in Cambridgde


I stopped eating sadza because I think it is addictive! It creates such a big lump in the belly that people can't feel satisfied unless it is part of a meal.

Totally can't tremember about college deadlines.


well i think you find out about your college as soon as you meet all your requirements for your possition, i.e if you didn t have funding have you now got it, if you are funding yourself do you have enough money, if your offer is conditional have you made the grades etc.
I guess if all your things are in order it should be as soon as possible.

Just making sadza now for the hubby. its true its made my weight, well let me not go there


It really differs when you hear from your College, but I warn you that it'll take a while. Your application has to go from your Department, OK'd by the funding body (if you have one), then the Board of Graduate Studies, who blow the dust off it and OK it, and then I think it might go out to your first choice College. Then it might go to your second choice, and then the College pool if needed.

I may have missed/added/reordered the steps but you can see that it'll take a while. Just be patient - if you are a funded PhD and the Department have given the OK then the University have to guarantee you a College place I think.

I think I had my interview in March and found out in July sometime, and that was my first choice College.

Check out the Graduate Union website as they cover all of this all the time...(i think the website is down at the moment though).

Hope that helps.



And yes, if you haven't received your Masters grade yet for example, it might take even longer...


Thanks for the info! I've already graduated so I think I've met all of the requirements. I've been told I'll get my 'official' letter of acceptance from the department after April 10th. Guess it's going to be awhile.....