PhD in Paris, France - HELP!


First off all..i am a GIRL--SHE!!
second..thank you malib...for great words...and support..
and thank you all, it was really funy to read your posts..i enyoy in every one of's funy..hehe..
hugs to all


mellib--sorry for spelling your name wrong..


I'd just hang back on the new career as a 'life coach' mellib. It may not be you.


are u leaving us, u graduated or why u end it on such a sad note baby


nah no worries, and keep on working hard my dear, leave no stone unturned, paris is great: my first wife is from paris


"baby" ?!?!?!?!?


EEEEEEEEwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - "baby", oh please! Kakva budala!!!


I'll tell you one thing for sure.. No one puts baby in the corner!


Hey Timea,

How has it been going?

I am French too, and I only partly agree with what somebody said above - it is not so hard to get into French Unis in general, but it's true it is very hard in Paris. Have you considered any other French city? Besides, you'd save a lot of money on the rent by not venturing there!

Now, if you really want to do this there, have you considered getting a placement in France? (Architect, museum, specialized paper, who knows). If you could get one with somebody who makes authority in your field, or better, who knows some potential supervisors, that could obviously help. And your spending some time in France beforehand would also reassure anyone about your linguistic skills...