Second year accountability thread


Aw KeepCalm sounds like you've been working really hard! Fair play to you! I worked myself to the bone for a few days to get ready for a surprise meeting with my supervisor. We've been meeting every day since but I just can't keep up the pace, too exhausted. I've loads of work to do for the next meeting on Monday but I really just want to relax. Especially since I'm spending this weekend away with my family (at my parents house). I know I'll just have to sneak away and get some things done though.
For Monday:

* Write up the new proofs
* Consider the more general case and try proving it.
* Prepare a short talk on the old stuff
* Check through all the details
* Make more elegant.

No idea how i'll get all that done. Also means my 3-week goals will be in serious danger! Unfortunately most of them still have to be done by that deadline.

Hope you manage to get both your chapters and article done for Monday. I find my supervisor prefers if I hand him stuff on the day he's asked for it. I just tell him I'm going to continue to work on it and will send him the updated/nicer version once it's ready. Often this is only a few days later and he hasn't gotten around to reading the first version yet!

good luck to us!


Hope everything went well Mathkitty and you had a good time with your family.

I got the article in on time! It was a complete rush, I submitted it at about 10 minutes to midnight in the end! Just got to wait and see what happens now.

I'm completely out of the loop with weekly aims but will try and get myself ordered again. So this week (as in until next wednesday) I need to:

1. Send chapters to second supervisor, no matter how much I hate them!
2. Re-read 2 plays and find and read corresponding sources.
3. Read text for class, plan and teach lesson.
4. Start to try and figure out Endnote.

That will do me for this week. Good luck everyone.


As I have finished with my research, it's analysis time now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But, my supervisor wants me to do it using NVIVO.....
So, this week I have to figure out how to use it....It seems tricky....


Well done KeepCalm. That must have been really hard to get in.
Got no work done at my parents. Did get the necessary done for meeting my supervisor but the meeting was still not great. Things a bit of a disaster at the moment. Just trying to do too many things at once and not having enough time or energy. Especially when I get so stressed about how i;m going to fit it all in that I just go catatonic :) Supervisor isn't leaving me enough time to do things like prepare my seminar for next week and keep on with my writing and coding. Just keeps wanting new results and different reading and research areas. So tired!

oops sorry for the mini rant!

Hope you get on with your list! my list is almost the same still as the next-to-last time. Have til sunday to finish those goals. Goal for today is to prepare to meet supervisor again :/

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Hi folks, am resurecting this thread after its short break.

Right, so, tomorrow I am going to do some re-drafting. I haven't written for the PhD for over 2 months now, although I spent last weekend reading William's book, '...Style and Grace...' in preparation for my return to the academic key board. I have a deadline - next Sunday night - by which time I need to get a whizzo re-draft of my thesis outline to my sup. Here are my goals for the coming week:

1. Read though my extended section which defines a particularly tricky and complex term, and explain my unique way of using it; then start re-drafting this section.
2. Complete re-draft of the above section.
3. Read though my thesis outline and plan its re-draft.
4. Re-draft the entire outline. Hopefully all of this list so far will be done by Thursday night.
5. Re-draft again on Friday.
6. Take a day off, go to folk festival, and let all this settle.
7. Final re-draft on Sunday.

Hopefully I will work steadly and speedily, and all this will go to plan. I have a sleep over pizza party on saturday night - which will probably wipe out sunday - and am teaching most of Monday, but due to it being reading week, a clear run aside from that. I have my fingers and toes crossed. See you in the morning, when I'll be trying the tomato thing.

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Hi all, am quite pleased with meeself today. I did 7 tomatoes, one of which, admitedly was half taken up with a telephone call about pizza toppings - yes, I spent 13 minutes discussing pizza toppings and establishing appropriate wine quantities for a sleepover.

But I did the following: Read my definitions section and almost finished the frst re-draft of that, I'm pleased with it, although it will still need some developing. It's going to be core to the thesis, and quite controversial, so I'm developing my core concepts and making them as water tight as possible, as I go.

See you tomorrow and have a really good evening, especially those of you who are romancing tonight. X

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Hi all, I did 2 tomatoes today, but they were very productive. I have finished items 1 and 2 on my list, so the first re-draft of my definitions section is completed. Lovin gthe tomato thing, I seem to be whizzing through and really concentrating - I seem to get loads more done in those 25 mins than I otherwise would. Thank you so much Sue, for introducing me to it. XX


======= Date Modified 14 Feb 2010 23:11:35 =======
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I'm so annoyed! I've tried to reply to this thread twice and both times did something wrong and lost it!

Anyway...Glad to see things are going well for you Eska and the tomatoes are working. I started thinking I could do without them recently but I was wrong! I've been slacking off a bit, and also I want to start checking off my daily aims on here again. I was ill for a couple of days earlier in the week and it's amazing how much it can throw you off balance. So, my aims whenever I was on here last were:

1. Send chapters to second supervisor, no matter how much I hate them! DONE thank god.
2. Re-read 2 plays and find and read corresponding sources. second part done, not first part.
3. Read text for class, plan and teach lesson. DONE but didn't get to teach as I was ill!
4. Start to try and figure out Endnote. Not done.

I've still been working fairly hard but have this horrible sensation recently of time trickling away. Ok, this week:

1. Finish reading source X
2. Re-read 2 plays, make notes.
3. Finish reading text, research and teach.
4. Have marked rest of essays (3 per day).
5. Brainstorm ideas for expanding journal paper
6. Briefly research ideas for next 3 chapters.

So, tomorrow:
1. Finish reading text for class, plan lesson.
2. Mark 3 essays.
3. Finish reading source X.

Got to find the motivation to stay on top of this. Good luck all.


1. Finish reading text for class, plan lesson.
2. Mark 3 essays.
3. Finish reading source X.

Well, it took me 2 days rather than one, but DONE DONE DONE, REJOICE! The source turned out to be a massively long medieval play and I've had to read 3 versions simultaneously- the Middle English, the translation and the explanatory notes- as I couldn't find them all in one. But it's done, and I'm nearly half way through marking essays already


1. Go to reading group thingy- read stuff needed
2. Mark 3 essays
3. Read play no.1
4. Sort out registers.


Well done Keep_Calm!

My three week aims got completely thrown off by my supervisor bringing me back to an older topic to further it on. So I'm trying to work on at least three projects at the moment and getting a bit confused. Made some plans yesterday and meant to post the goals here but forgot :$

this weeks goals are:
write every day.
min 10 tomatoes every day.

More specifically for Thursday:
Check details of new work.
Write notes on newer parts.
Understand new proofs.
Prepare for meeting

Then for next Monday:
Test the code (still on my list!)
Get real results.
Write report of work on this project.

That's certainly plenty of work but I really need some chair glue! (to keep me in my seat at my desk)


Yeah I've had a similar thing recently MK, it's hard to stay on track and know where you're heading when unpredictable things are constantly cropping up. Sounds like you're doing well though.


1. Go to reading group thingy- read stuff needed DONE
2. Mark 3 essays DONE
3. Read play no.1 DONE
4. Sort out registers. Not done- will do tomorrow.

Quite pleased, although I noticed when I was reading the play that it seemed a lot shorter than I thought it would be. Now I realise I've read the earlier version and need to read the later which is longer by about a third. D'oh! I'm going to attempt to do that tonight. It's just a play, I can read it in bed and I have to much to do this week to put it off. Can you tell I'm still trying to talk myself round to this thrilling prospect.... Tomorrow:

1. Read play no.2
2. Sort out registers
3. Mark 3 essays
4. Brainstorm ideas for expanding article

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Good morning MK and KC! Today, I am starting my re-draft of my thesis outline - which is a 10,0000 word, plus, document (blimey, how did that happen??). Right so I have no clear aims for the day, apart from completing 10 tomatoes, and being disciplined and getting straight back tot wok after lunch and loose women. had a lovely day of nothing yesterday, with lots of sleep in it, so, should, in theory, be raring to go today. Oh, And I'd liek to get the first re-draft done by the end of Friday, so I can have another look at it on Sunday, before sending it that evening.

So! Aim for today:

Complete at least 10 tomatoes. Have done one already, while reading through the outline as it stands.


Wow a thesis outline! Go Eska! Hope yourself and KC keep up the good work. It's really been helping me to keep at it. Feeling really poorly today and have to meet the sup for a long meeting. No idea how I'll get my 10 tomatoes done, or the work for the meeting. But I'll certainly try to!


Argh! Ended up having to do a translation for someone else so have just enough time to head to meeting, eating as I go, completely unprepared! Bad day :(

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Hi MK, if you're ill, you're ill, so I wouldn't worry about not meeting targets, it's more important to get better and feel well again. Good luck with the sup meeting later.

I've done 6 tomatoes so far today and am just abou to tuck into lunch - beef stir fry - while watching looe women. But, as Arnie says: 'I'll be back...'