The One Goal Thread


Second goal partly done- I have summarised one paradigm and am so bored by it all that I can't bear to move onto another lot of papers in the area straight away. My second goal is to re-read some papers in my own area which are close to the kind of thing I'm trying to figure out how to do at the moment.

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Well I did my last goal and I've managed to apply for a job. I need to apply to another one before tomorrow afternoon, so might sit and do that tonight maybe?


Hmm, applying for jobs. I guess that is something I'll have to start thinking about too in a few months. How depressing :-(

Today I am going back to my chapter. My first goal (which feels like an impossible task which I have been trying to do for ages!) is to get my introduction section finished.


Well I seem to be working alone on this thread today!

My first goal is done. Hurrah! There will be a few more small changes but I'll do them once I've printed it out (which I can't do today) so I'm not just looking at it on the screen.

My next goal is to read over some papers in a particular area and summarise the methods used.


Morning. Is anyone joining me today?

This morning is all about getting my chapter together. My first goal is to read through and make any changes to the analyses and to start to get everything together into one document.

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Sorry, not really joining today, I've just got 2 meetings to attend. ALthough my sup gave me a ton of work yesterday that she wants by monday, so will be on here a lot over the weekend :-(

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I'm here til 8 or so and for most of the weekend too.

Goal 1 - cut out irrelevant info - DONE
Goal 2 - bullet points for what needs to be changed in document - IN PROGRESS
Goal 3 - find sources of info to follow up on the bullet points

Over the weekend I need to finish a document - so it'll be a busy one.

Good going Star-shaped - you seem to be making great progress to me (up)

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Goal 2 -DONE

Goal 3 - is the biggie but I really want to get it done by 8 so I can have a nice night in at home.

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Goal 3 - DONE (yesterday)

Anybody knocking about today???

It's been a rubbish day for me so far and not much of it left :-(

Was kept up til 5am this morning by bf so consequently slept really late - lunch time :-s

Then had to walk the poor dog in the rain. Came home and was just about to start working when I noticed my tummy rumbling and realised that I actually eaten yet  :$

So have just put a pot of soup on then boil and was about to do a tomato while it cooks but guess what bf gets call from his father who wants to come over tonight (I don't know there's football or some equally inane sport on) at 6pm!!! So the house needs to be cleaned, beer/wine bought in and something more substantial than soup to be cooked :-s

And he really likes to talk to me (well poke fun at my weight, intelligence really) so there's no chance of getting any work done while he' here and God knows when he'll go home. Grrrrrr!! I do like the man though and am always trying to encourage bf to spend more time with him so it's my fault really.

Oops sorry for hijacking the thread - just realised how long I've been going on :$

So goal 1 today - try to get at least 2 tomatoes of writing done

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Sounds like you're having a bady day ev :-(

I got up at 8, but had to babysit my husbands little sister until 11.30, when her parents FINALLY decided to get up from a night of clubbing. We then had to drive an hour home. And I'm exhausted - don't really know why. I can hardly keep myeyes open. But I'm going to havea coffee and see if I can get some work done.

My sup has given me 2 days (sat and sun) to get my paper re-written and I've already wasted most of saturday :-( I think I might be coming down with something :-(


can someone explain the tomatoes to me please :-)

is this some sort of drug you young people are on these days ?

if so, can i have some (up)

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Oh poor Sneaks - sounds like your day is no better :-(

Chuff, the tomato thing is a timer that allows you to see the work that you have clocked up and it tells you to take regular scheduled breaks - so the idea is you work solidly for 25 minutes then take a 5 minute break and repeat as necessary. I find it quite useful when I'm writing

One tomato down - 1 or 2 to go


Many thanks Ev. I'll have to check that out.

Hope both your days get turbo charged from now on.

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my internet has been down all this morning :-s so I've wasted a few hours today.

Goal 1: get the start of the next paragraph sorted!

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That sucks Sneaks :-(
I'm only really getting going now already frustrated - bf doesn't understand the meaning of quiet - I have to work in the kitchen as it's the only table in the house - and currently washing machine, oven and kettle going and radio. I'd work in the office but the building is locked today and I know for a fact nobody else will be in my office so that creeps me out.

Anyway goal 1: finish section 1 (hopefully in half a tomato)

I reckon I need to do a solid 10 hours today :-(