The One Goal Thread

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Hello everybody. Been rushing around doing non-computery things for a few days so not been to the Forum, hope everyone's doing well!

I'm currently designing the first draft of a questionnaire I'm using as part of my main data collection. Need to get the first draft sent to my supervisors by the end of Thursday. Yikes, too much to do, as usual!

Goal 1 - track down some journal articles that use a scale I need
Goal 2 - go through the questionnaire plan and pick out easy bits to do today so I feel like I'm getting somewhere!!


My second goal is done. Didn't actually find many examples of the specific thing I was looking for, but searching through has helped me clarify in my mind how I'm going to go about the analysis for a particular chapter (so that is all of my chapters worked out now!).

My next goal is to read and make notes on one article.


My third goal is done. I now feel like my brain has turned to mush so I'm going to cop out and spend a little time completing this 'adult directions' thing from the Careers Service website as I'm supposed to be seeing an advisor next week.


Damn. I thought that all this week I had a clear diary but realised when I checked my emails this morning that I have a meeting this afternoon. Grr. Better make the most of this morning then...

My first goal is to get a chunk of analysis done.

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I'm going through a major blip at the moment. Can't seem to get ANY work done. I'm hoping today will be better, but i'm not too confident. Just spent 1 hr paying off council tax, gas bill etc etc.


Goal 1: write out chart

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Good luck Sneaks. I keep having days like that, it's very frustrating.

Today, I am pushing on with designing my questionnaire. It's slow going - much slower than I expected. Ah well.

Goal 1 - work on first section
Goal 2 - work on 2nd section.... etc etc.
If I can get three sections done well today then I'll be happy.

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I keep saying to myself I'll be done by xmas, but at this rate - there is NO chance. I'm stuck doing work I don't like cos sup wants it done, but I really want to get on to another chapter. ALthough grass is always greener I suppose, I'll start that and wish I was back doing the work I'm doing (well trying to do) today.


I feel your pain Sneaks. I'm having a day where everything is coming along very slowly and painfully. Sigh. My goals for this afternoon are:

Have lunch and cycle to uni.
Copy extra data over from the lab onto my laptop.
Attend meeting with research group.
Get sup to sign ILL form and drop this off at library.
Make some actual progress with my current analysis.
Go to the gym.
Not drink wine.

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Oh dear. Mine's coming slowly too. I keep discovering things I need to think about and putting them to one side. That's no solution!

Goals for this afternoon

1.) Go through questionnaire very-rough-draft and note in the sources for all the questions
2.) Identify areas where I really do need to think it through (rather than things I'm just lazy about/avoiding)
3.) Get supervisors to sign ILL form and take to library (thanks for the reminder on that one!!)


I have a small question :-) how long does it take to write 30 pages? I know it depends on the content, but approximately !!


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Emaa... I find that if my writing is of a reasonable standard I write about 150 words per hour. I think this might be relatively slow compared to others though!

My meeting yesterday went on all afternoon so I hardly had time to do anything else. My goals today are:
1. Make some real progress on at least one analysis section.- DONE.
2. Write up 500 words of literature stuff.- DONE. Feeling pleased about my productive morning. I can start to see light at the end of the tunnel with this chapter.
3. Rewrite CV.
4. Make final changes to research proposal and summary of research interests.- DONE (apart from Refworks playing up and I can't figure out what it doesn't like about my proposal document and it is making me want to smash things so I'll have another go at it tomorrow).
5. Go to spin class.
6. Not drink any wine (this is a constant challenge at the moment!).

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Not achieving much today. I slept in and then my train was delayed by half an hour and I had to wait ages for a bus after that, so didn't sit down at my desk until 10.30, and the morning seems to be slipping away. Gah.

Goals for today

1.) Think through two sections of questionnaire
2.) Go to library
3.) Go to statistics class
4.) Go home early and get an early night because I'm clearly too tired to think properly!

Oh, and the question about how long it takes to write 30 pages - well, it depends how many words per page etc! On a good day I can probably write 1000 - 1500 words, but often I'm a lot slower than that. Don't know if that helps!

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my sup said she was going to call earlier, but hasn't. Too scared to leave my desk now :-( hate waiting!


In fact, I am asking to know whether I am a lazy student :-)
My PhD in International Law, so I need to read a lot of article, cases and reports. So it takes so long time, 2 or 3 months, to write 30 pages, I make the plan, then start to read about the details of the question I am writing about, and writ in the same time. Sometimes, or most times, I am frustrated because I feel that I am so slowly. But in the end I know that I am doing a good job and my sup almost does not make much changes.

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sup still hasn't called yet :-(

Hang in there Emaa, I think I'm in the same situation, it all goes so slowly! but I'm sure it will get better :-)

having issues with sup changing wording, its already been pulled up by a journal for being too 'strong' i.e. I say "we discuss the results in terms of how they MAY be related to xyz' and she changes it to 'the results show that xyz' - how do I say she's wrong!? even a top level journal review has come back saying the same thing, yet she has done it again!