The One Goal Thread

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That sounds like a great day, Emaa! Just the thing to re-energise yourself.

I didn't achieve as much as I wanted yesterday, so I'm up early and ready to get going. Well, once I've had a shower and got dressed!

Goal 1 - have shower and get dressed
Goal 2 - rewrite abstract following supervisor comments
Goal 3 - send abstract to seminar organisers
Goal 4 - think through supervisors' suggestions for new questionnaire questions


Yeah Batfink27, it was a great day :-)

Goal 1 read an important article and writ the main points
Goal 2 cooking while calling my mother


Morning all. I'm only just sitting down to work after going to the gym. Must get on with things.

Goal 1- Write at least 500 words of literature section.
Goal 2- Make some progress with analysis.
Goal 3- Once I start running out of steam this afternoon, redo the bits of my presentation I'm not happy with yet.

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Goals 1 and 2 done, now to find the courage to actually send my abstract in! Mayeb I'll leave it an hour and re-read it before I send it.

An extra goal to add in before my final one of the day - read some documents that a very kind student in my department used a magic password to get off the web for me. Unexpected documents but they look really useful so I'm keen to read them!

I'm starting to feel pressured time-wise now. Not on a day-to-day basis, just this overwhelming dread when I think about all the things I need to get done before Christmas, and how little time that actually gives me! Yikes. Maybe I need to draw up an action plan. Or maybe that's just another way to procrastinate?:$


Well done Batfink! I never bother with actions plans etc as I never bother to stick to them, ha.

Goal 1 is now done. Now on with my analysis.


One piece of analysis redone. My next goal is to do as much more as I can face of my literature section and then to finish up the afternoon reading through a few papers which I came across today which should go in there (rather than working on my presentation, see what I mean about not being able to stick to plans?).


Haooy Saturday! My goal for this morning is to rewrite my presentation and then to get as many of my Powerpoint slides done as I can by 10am.


Good morning

Goal 1 reading the reports of states I am doing it now
goal 2 have breakfast
goal 3 read the 3 articles queikly
goal 4 go to the library, have an article and copy ....
goal 5 meet our friend


Goal 1 reading the reports done
goal 2 have breakfast now
goal 3 read the 3 articles queikly
goal 4 go to the library, have an article and copy .... canceled
goal 5 meet our friend canceled

I am very hungry and cannot think, so after breakfast I'll make new goals

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I've been away from here for a few days at a course. But ready to start work again today :-(

Goal 1: find stats resources and update on introduction chapter.

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Hello everyone

Goal 1 - read report of interesting research - almost done
Goal 2 - phone landlords and yell at them because I've now been 7 weeks with heating that barely works and I'm freezing!! - will be done as soon as they actually answer the phone (groan, grumble, fume...)
Goal 3 - read 3 other quite short documents
Goal 4 - prepare for tonight's event for voluntary group I chair


Hello Sneaks, I was missing you. You really encourage me to work!!:-)

Goal 2 done and I called my family

Goal 3 now, reading quickly 4 articles

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FECK its cold.

Have dressign gown on over clothes - hands freezing :-(


Morning everyone.
Goal 1- teach stats class. DONE.
Goal 2- Print out and look over lecture slides from the class I demonstrate on ready to go through everything with a student who's been off ill.
Goal 3- Meet with student to offer help.
Goal 4- Work on analysis.

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Sneaks, it's bloody freezing isn't it?! I'm wearing fingerless gloves while I type and my fingernails are blue with cold. And I'm wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt, a thick woolly jumper and a big hoodie over the top, and I'm shivering. But then my heating's broken :-(

Achieved goals 1 and 3, and with goal 2 managed to be both polite but angry about landlord's inability to fix my heating. They promised to ring me back with news, but they promised that last Thursday too and never did, so I'm not holding my breath.

I need to do some brainstorming/thinking things through type work, but I'm so bloody cold I can't concentrate!