The One Goal Thread

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dressing gown has made me very warm, but still have freezing feet and hands - will put gloves on now :-(


first article done, nothing important but it took long time :-(


Batfink, do you rent through a letting agency? Might be best to go through them if your landlord is being arsey.

My student didn't turn up for our meeting. :-s I arranged to meet her outside of the allotted time because she has had so much time off and needs to catch up. This is the last time I'll be doing that!

I am now working on my analysis. My goal is to get to at least 5,700 words before I run out of steam.

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Yes, it's a lettings agency that does everything for the landlords, so I have to report repairs to the agency and they then have to ask the landlords for permission to carry out repairs. The agency's just phoned to say they're giving my landlords another two hours to get back to them with instructions on my heating repairs or they'll just order the repairs to go ahead anyway. Which sounds great and as if they're really proactive, but this is after seven weeks without properly working heating, so I'm not feeling too grateful to them!!

Anyway, reading I'd planned for today is now done. I may take the rest of the day off, to prepare for an event I have for a voluntary group this evening, and to clean up my flat before the landlords send these mythical plumbers round!

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Oh, and students not turning up when you've set aside extra time for them? That sort of thing makes me so mad! I would never have had the discourtesy to do that when I was an undergrad/Masters student, but it's happened to me a couple of times with Masters students I've supervised for dissertations, and it just drives me crazy.


Yeah it's really annoying. I didn't exactly have a perfect attendance record with seminars and lectures during my first year as an undergrad but I'd never have arranged and individual meeting and not turn up!

I ran out of steam with my analysis quite quickly and ended up working on my methods chapter (which is still in its infancy!). My final goal is to focus and do a couple of hundred words on my literature section.

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Struggling to get going this morning. I was very very cold in the night and woke at 3 am with really bad backache :-( but now that I've travelled all the way to the university (in a different city to where I live) I'm finally starting to defrost and feel better! (Good news on the heating front though - rental agency phoned this morning and promised a plumber would be out on Thursday afternoon to fix my heating. Yay! Only 2 more days of shivering cold!!)

Goal 1 - Think through what I want from meeting on Thursday with potential hosts of my research study
Goal 2 - Draft out a short description of my research project and expected oiutcomes to give to potential hosts

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goal 1: design model in AMOS (:-( )

maybe try and sleep in your dressing gown - keep your back warmer. Sounds rubbish!


======= Date Modified 16 Nov 2010 11:02:10 =======
Batfink, your rental agency/landlord sound a bit rubbish. We have been having ongoing problems for the last couple of months because of various leaks and things, but the plumber always comes out on the day or the day after at the latest (I'm expecting him today actually, he might as well move in because he spends so much time here!).

I've also had a slow start this morning. I'm trying to work on my analysis but not getting very far at the moment. My goal is to get the word count up by 500 words (which will be a bit more work than it sounds as I'm deleting and redrafting things).

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My landlords/agency are more than a bit rubbish, really. The seal on the oven door fell off the first time I used it when I'd just moved in and it took them 9 months to fix that. I've lived here just over a year and haven't ever had a signal on the communal TV aerial (they say that'll be fixed by Christmas - yeah, right!) But the seven weeks with barely any heating has just been excruciating! Unfortunately, they're the only rental agency that deals with the block of flats I live in, and the flats themselves are really nice and in a perfect location, so I don't want to move out!

Work is going very very slowly today. But I am warm :-)

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urgh, not having a good day, stuck on stats - really have no clue what to do and I'm the 'stats expert' at my uni (ha!) so I'm the top of the ladder - there is no one to ask :-(


You have my sympathies Sneaks, I remember I barely scraped a pass on the structural equation modeling assignment I did in my MRes.

If it makes you feel better I'm having a slow afternoon too. I have written another (very rough draft) chunk of analysis but got rid of another chunk because I realised it just wasn't working. One step forwards, two steps back...

My next goal (after marinating some turkey breasts!) is to add 500 words to my literature section.

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oh dear, you've landed yourself in it. Structural equation modelling did I hear you say???

My question is.........Can I have multiple output variables (endogenous variables) and run it like a regression i.e. run it like 4 separate regressions, but all at once???


I'm sorry, I really have no idea! I actually really did just about scrape a pass on that one. I don't get on with statistics as it is and that was my lowest mark out of the whole year.

Good luck with it... I'm sure you'll get there eventually!

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Oh dear, structural equation modeling? I think I'm going to have to do some of that for my thesis (possibly) but haven't a clue about it and am dreading having to learn it! Ah well, that's a job for next year!

I achieved very little yesterday, and today I still have terrible backache though I did at least sleep through the night. Goals for today:

Goal 1 - finish writing project brief before meeting with potential hosts of my study tomorrow
Goal 2 - think through the meeting, what I want from it etc
Goal 3 - think through different options for measuring devices to use in study
Goal 4 - go to statistics class
Goal 5 - tidy up the flat so that the plumbers can replace radiators in the bedroom and living room tomorrow!!