The One Goal Thread


did I do that wrong, why is the whole thing in a purple box???:-(

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======= Date Modified 06 Jan 2011 13:25:35 =======
you need to type your comment after the [/ quote] bit.

I'm ill :-( feeling very foggy headed. But sup is expecting a ton of work by tonight and I've so far sat slumped staring at my computer and the hours have spun by - need to get on with it!

Goal 1: colour in correlation table (i know, crazy)

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starshaped - have you not got dropbox? I got it a few weeks ago - I love it! it is truly a life saver.


Thanks :$ :$ :$, I can't even post properly on the forum, how am I ever going to get a PhD??? :-(

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its a good thing - means you WILL get the PhD, while I'll be sat here quoting people :$


I did set up a dropbox account because my supervisor used it to send me a load of files a while back but I haven't used it since! Doh. I could have had my other half email everything to me but I really don't work that well in university without my laptop so I decided just to get the gym out of the way.

My goal for today is to get my journal article finished. So I am going to start with writing the second half of the conclusion.


My conclusion is more or less done. I'm not quite happy with the way it ends but I'll come back to it. My next goal is to work out a final draft of the introduction section.


Sneaks - colouring in is a vital part of our work! I've been fighting the urge all afternoon to change all the bar colours in my Gantt chart, so far successfully but I'm pretty sure it won't last. So you go with your colour, especially since you're not on top form!

Task 2: I did make a decision and went with project planning a bit more, so I've now reached the maximum number of activities I can have in my demo version of Merlin. This is clearly a concern as I'm only 3 months in to the PhD and I WILL have definitely missed out some major activities. So I'll probably need to rethink or pay at some point but it looks good now.

So - Task 3: get more coffee
Task 4: do some reading - I'm feeling obliged to read a big introductory textbook i my field (bilingualism) to make sure that I haven't got any shockingly glaring gaps in my knowledge, but much of it is a bit easy, so I'm skimming. I guess that way it'll be over soon...!


Introduction is (more or less) sorted. My next goal is to work out a final draft of the analysis.


I can't really focus on the analysis. I think I'll get it sorted quickly and easily if I approach it when I'm fresh so I'll leave it for now.

I reaaaaally want to go and catch up on Coronation Street with a glass of wine. :-( I'm going to have a stab at my 'case for support' for my grant application instead.


Morning all.

Today I am trying to knock out as many words as I can on my case for support. I'm going to begin with the research methods section.


======= Date Modified 07 Jan 2011 09:45:42 =======
I have written a few hundred words on the research methods and have worked out the layout of how that section will look.

I am now going to begin to sketch out the section on data collection.


Anyone joining me today?

I have written a draft of the data set section. A lot of what I have written is complete rubbish but when I sat down this morning I felt like I couldn't do t and wanted to cry but I am getting *somewhere* very slowly and am starting to feel more in control.

I am going to go back to the summary, objectives and research questions sections now.


Hi Star-Shaped, I'm here!

I would have been here earlier but I've had the police here all morning for one reason or another- really annoys me when bad things happen to good people!

Anyway, my head is all over the place so I don't think there's much chance of doing any writing today, so my first few goals are;

- read over everything written so far
- sort definition
- plan avenues to go down to approach participants

Hope your work is going okay today Star-Shaped!


Oh dear Button, that sounds like a very unwelcome start to the day - hope you can get your head back into gear.

Disgusted that I'm so late onto campus - only managed to get up at 9am and we're heading north to visit my parents tonight so had to pack and take all my stuff with me onto campus. So only just arrived at 11.40. Boo.

Anyway, plan for the next four hours (before I have to leave again!) is to read at least three chapters of the seminal work I'm currently ploughing through. And to meet my ex supervisor and TAG member because I'm taking over supervision of 7 of his MA students. Not a fascinating day in prospect.