The One Goal Thread


Emaa that would depend on the type of article it is. Most of the ones I read are theoretical and therefore take quite a long time to read as they can be difficult sometimes. I also like to make a lot of notes in the margins, I never just read something. For a paper like that I would set aside a good two hours if it is important...but then I am a slow reader and I like to take everything in. A research paper that I can read more stragtegically - about on hour.


So Natassia it is not strange to takes me a long time to read and take notes. Because my first language is not english so I think longer time than usual.


Hmmm, sidetracked by one of my friends needing help on a Masters essay. I ended up writing 650 words on it. Can I count this towards my day's total...or should I push on to add 800 words to my actual work?

Day One of my 10 day goal to write my upgrade document.....not going too well.


I've done goals 6 and 7, now for goal 8! I've been on a roll the past few days but I can feel it dwindling away!


well done Button .. at least some of us are doing well. I'm still trying to write my final chapter and i have not wrote more than a page yet (single spacing though) if i do it double spacing i will be on the second page .. hmmm



Thanks Amanda! Now finished goal 8 so that's me finished for the day. Hope everyone is plodding along nicely!


hi!!!! I managed to do the things on my list for today!!!!
I'm so happy
love satchi


Well done Satchi .. keep the good work up


since my husband came home, I cannot study, tea, coffee, and finally phone.
I am trying to finish this article before sleeping


Well.. i have been speaking with my BF on the net.. we have a long distance relationship at the moment :-( and now i'm going to sleep

I managed to draft down my future work, but it doesnt read too well


Where is everyone's goals for today?..
well i just got my car from the garage passed its MOT, and now i am going to write an abstract then hopefully pop to uni to see other thesis


Good morning Amanda, I woke up early, and watched "the Secret movie". May be I could learn how to attracts the good things to my life.
Then, my first goal. is to defined all the articles I need to writ the first subsection
goal 2 to start reading and writing in the same time from the newer one


Ok goal 1 done, There are 11 article and 4 books. it is more than enough. to the second goal...


Well done Emaa.. well i think i finished my abstract and i sent it to my sups to check.


Amanda, did you get a reply from your supervisor?

I've just been told my uni email isn't working, marvellous, who knows what I've missed thanks to IT failures! I'm wondering if it's too early for lunch...!

My goals for today are:

Email my supervisor (fingers crossed it works!!!) with my outline project plan in rough
Finish reading two chapters on mixed methods
Then go home! It's Friday after all