The One Goal Thread


Yikes, I'd better find out! Never heard of it at my uni but will check it out - thanks Delta


Also at my Uni you have to hand in an intention of submission form. That's no less than one month before your intended date of submission. After that the clock starts ticking...That also triggers the nomination of the examiners (here at least).

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That sounds similar to my uni as well, though I haven't looked into it in any detail as I'm only in my second year! Good luck, anyway!

I've achieved about as much as I'm going to today I think. Written a couple of sections on my paper and made some good notes about what will go in some other sections. Still ridiculous amounts of work to do and it'll never be done by Monday, but I've never missed a deadline before so it won't be the end of the world if I tell my supervisors I've been ill and have to ask for extra time. I have a splitting headache so I'm giving up for the day.

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Still not feeling well so going to see the doctor this morning. My paper's due in today but there's no chance it'll be done, so I emailed my supervisors to explain. One of them has already got back to me saying I can have til Thursday, hopefully the other will say the same thing!

I have an hour and a half til I have to leave for the doctors, so before then I want to have made notes on some papers I need to reference in my article.


I hope you're feeling better soon, Batfink!

My first goal for today: finalise first draft of information leaflet (for ethics approval).



Get well soon Batfink!

Ady, at my uni we have to submit the form at least 3 months before so yes check it out!

I am just back home after teaching all morning. My goal for the afternoon is to draft out one section of literature.


First goal done, information leafelt emailed to supervisors. I've got to go out now, but my goal for later on (depending on how much time I get ...) is to finish the ethics form.

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Thanks star-shaped. My headache is killing me, but I have to keep pressing on. Supervisors have given me until first-thing Thursday to get this paper written so I'm trying to ignore the head and keep going. It's not working very well though - I'm either doped up on painkillers so can't think straight, or have a headache so can't think straight! Gah.

I've managed to make notes on one journal article so far. I'd like to get another three or four read today, and also to summarise some sections from my lit review into my draft journal paper. We'll see soon enough if that's over-ambitious I guess!


I have written just over 500 words. My final goal for the day is to read 2 papers which I need to include.


Quote From star-shaped:

Ady, at my uni we have to submit the form at least 3 months before so yes check it out!

Checked it out with my exams office and my uni doesn't have an intention to submit form - phew!

Hope you're feeling better soon Batfink


Morning all. My first goal today is to read over my journal paper and rewrite any bits I'm not happy with.


First goal mainly done (analysis sections are sorted, will come back to the introduction and conclusion). My next goal is to write 200-300 words before a gym break.

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Morning everyone. Thanks for the get well wishes. Still have a bad headache but am trying to work through it. I need a few days off really to get rid of this thing but I have far too much to do and a deadline in three weeks that just can't be moved. Maybe I'll get some time off at the weekend. :-(

Done a couple of bits already today but scared by how quickly the day is passing! Takss for today:
1.) Get poster submitted to print services for printing for university event next week (DONE)
2.) Finish reading the article I started last night (DONE)
3.) Fit recent reading into structure of journal article I'm writing
4.) Identify any other articles that I hav eto read before continuing to write
5.) Make a very very large dent in the writing of the journal article!


I hope you're plodding on OK Batfink. It's great being in charge of your own workload but sucks because its not like we can just phone in sick and pass the buck!

My goal for the rest of the day is to finish the section I'm writing.


Section finished. This section was relatively simple and more or less plain sailing but tomorrow I am starting on a bit which I have been dreading. My goal for the rest of the afternoon is to re-read a couple of papers and make notes so I can begin the writing tomorrow.