The One Goal Thread


Sounds like a long night Batfink, great that you feel confident in the work though! Good luck with the rest, here's some pixelated turkey protein to keep you going... (turkey)

I just realised (thank God for a random John Lewis email or I never would have!) that Monday is a bank holiday....ergo, I cannot print and post my thesis that day.
*insert many expletives*
So my deadline is now Saturday morning. It would be funny if it weren't true.

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Oh no Teek, the last thing you wanted to hear! Good luck with getting it done.

And thanks for the pixellated turkey. It's the thought that counts, right? Have a tree! (tree)

I'm typing up today's rewriting now and trying to ignore the thought of getting up early to rush through the remaining work. Only another five pages of edits to go through tonight and then I can sleep. Eyes are tired and back is aching...


Good luck Batfink and Teek! Sounds like everyone is feeling the pressure at the moment...

My goals for today are to get to final draft stage of half of my methods chapter, mark 6-9 papers and go to the gym (didn't make it yesterday).

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Thanks star-shaped, hope yours goes well too!

I have just under ten hours to get my paper written and sent to my supervisors. Yikes! It's very tight, and it won't be a polished piece of work, but it should just about be manageable.


3 hours in an I am exactly half way through the document I am working on today. I'm going to break for the gym, and then aim to have the whole document done by 3.30-4pm.

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Well done, Star-shaped, sounds like you're making great progress.

I'm making good time too. If I can get the next section written by lunchtime, that will leave me with the conclusion and abstract to look at this afternoon, plus typing up changes and adding references. The 5pm deadline is still tight, but possible I think.


I hope that you are on track for your deadline!

I have now finished the document I was working on. It isn't fantastic but it will do if I don't have time to edit it again before my deadline next Thursday. My next goal is to mark 9 papers.

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Phew, paper sent at 5.04 pm! It's rubbish, truly rubbish, with conclusions so weak they're practically homeopathic. And I didn't have time to add my reference list so now I need to go back, add in the references and send it again. Gah. I want to go to the pub Right Now, my other half just texted me to say he's on his way there, but this is going to take a bit more fiddling about with. Boo.

Oh well. At least it's in.


Did you get your references done?

I'm starting to feel burnt out after a week of long days. So I might take it easy today. My main goal is to pad out a section which still needs a lot of work.


Can I join in too?

Today I have to complete the first draft of a poster. This should be fun. :s

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Welcome, Labpixie! Posters are quite a nice Friday activity, I always think!

No, I didn't get my references done - I got about a third of the way through and that took an hour, and I just didn't want to do it any more, so I went to the pub instead! In my defence, MrBatfink is going away today for a long boozy weekend catching up with his blokey mates, so if I hadn't gone out last night I wouldn't have seen him til next week. Anyway, supervisor has emailed to say get references done by 12 today, so that's what I'd better get on with!

Goals for today:
1.) Sort out references on paper
2.) Prepare for supervision meeting at 2pm (when they'll tear my paper to shreds....)
3.) Write up notes from meeting
4.) Look at submitting revised abstract for conference
And then go home and have a nice evening with a DVD and maybe a takeaway, followed by a lie-in....


Work is going so-so today. I am getting a fair bit done but have started panicking about how much I have to do by my deadline next week. To be fair it is a very first draft but I know it''' be nowhere near the standard it needs to be.

I have now tidied up and padded out one section. I'm now going to pop out to the shops and clear my head a bit and have another section to start more or less from scratch this afternoon.

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Good luck with it, Star-shaped. I've been amazed by how much I've managed to pull together in a very short period on this paper I've been writing, so I'm sure you'll make the deadline and produce some good stuff too.

Just had my supervision meeting, and my supervisors think that the stuff that I thought was complete rubbish is actually really good. Result! I guess being under pressure really can work sometimes! Anyway, they gave me good suggestions for rewriting it this weekend. I now have until Monday evening to do a final edit so they can have a last look at my abstract and conclusions before I submit it to the journal on Tuesday. I feel surprisingly positive and confident about this now. And will definitely enjoy my evening off tonight!

Now just need to write up notes of the meeting and submit my conference abstract via the website, and then I can clear off home!

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That's everything done, I can go home now! Yay.


Enjoy your evening off! It encourages to hear about your success getting the paper together. I find that I sometimes submit work to my supervisor thinking its crap but it turns out it is fine so hopefully this won't be as bad as I think it is!

I couldn't face working on the section from scratch for long and I am wondering whether I actually need to include it at all. So I worked on an easier section instead which is now good enough not to worry about again.

I'm now going to mark 6-9 papers.