The One Goal Thread


I have located the calomine lotion and am applying copious amounts! Sneaks, why did you shave the dog? Is this normal?

I have had some work done but need to define doctorateness........guess I should know this by now :p I find with an exam coming up that I end up questioning everything :$

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it is normal - we have to shave her (well clip her) about 4 times a year and she was looking really fluffy and we're seeing family at the weekend so shaved her today - she'll get a bath tomorrow.


so far I count three different spellings of calamine lotion!!!!

'Doctorateness' I admit I have never heard of before; does this mean I won't get my PhD? Is it as in the concept of doctoral education as in a PhD or is something particular to your topic Dunni? Is this it

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yeah, I spotted I'd put cammomile - I think I was thinking of the tea in the Peter Rabbit stories? Don't they (flopsy, mopsy and cottontail) all go to bed with cammomile tea? 8-)


sooooothing though!

Am tempted to add to the 'moan thread' but fear once I start I may not stop :-(

Don't think I would have nerve to shave my own dog. We got him 'groomed' at the vets last year but I think the girl who did it forgot her glasses as he came back looking, well, common! He's a Border Collie in appearance only and we all came to conclusion that he needs the longish hair to at least give the illusion of a bit of breeding!

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mine has brown and white fur, but the brown grows quicker than the white (I have no idea how), so she looks like a fluffball if it gets long, we also get told off for letting her get fat :-s - when we shave her she loses about half her body size and looks v trim now! Also, more pressingly, there is the issue of grass seeds, which are less of a worry when she's got a shorter coat. We trim her with a livery trimmer (I think its for horseys - maybe Natassia will know) - its the only thing that will cut through her brown fur.


Well I think I am glad to have a Labrador with short fur, just cutting her claws is enough of an event for me lol.  Mind you I think most of her hair is on my carpets at the moment :-s

Thanks Ady for the link, this is in prep for the Q how does your research meet doctorateness? I had down 1 gap in literature identified, 2 robust methodology, 3 critical and coherent discussion of findings, 4 originality, 5 contribution to knowledge.  The link suggest a few extra bits aswell but overall clarifies my thoughts! Incidentally the author is actually from my uni :$

So a little more prep then an early-ish night for a change! (slightly worried that incubation of chicken pox is up to 14 days and my viva is in 13.......)

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are you allowed to just go to a hotel and leave the kids to get on with it? :p THis is why I shouldn't be a parent.


Morning all. Seems like there were some productive evenings yesterday! My main goal for the day is to rewrite my methods chapter following comments from my supervisor.


Heehee, would love to let the bambinos get on with it while I hide away, but I know the level of destruction I would come back to which is amazing for 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 year olds! Well I guess if I am going to get it, I have probably been 'infected' already. I think I had it as a child with spots everywhere so hopefully no reoccurance for me. Hubby had shingles too so he should be ok.

Got a fair number of Qs answered last night, never know how much to add to the answer (they won't want me talking for too long surely!). So goals today are:
1. Answer more viva Qs
2. Read a crucial paper
3. Phone up potential employer (they requested I call them in their email about my application)

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I have such a busy day today, my entire list is...

- finish findings section
- add in the discussion I've already written
- print out so can read over and work on issues over the weekend.
- wash the dog
- iron 4 shirts
- hoover entire house
- clean bathrooms and kitchen
- put clean-clothes-mountain away
- Pack a bag for 5 days for hubby to work next week
- Pack a different bag for me and hubs for this weekend
- wrap presents
- have another shower

All before 4pm, then...

- drive 2 hours to pick hubs up
- go out to a birthday dinner



Does your husband not do any housework, your even having to pack bags for him?. Please say there's a good reason for this

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haha - he lives away mon-fri, and cos we're having to go away this weekend he won't actually come home, so having to pack bags for his next week away, which he usually does on a sunday. But no in general he doesn't do housework, the deal is he works and pays for me to faff about finishing this blimmin thesis. When I'm a famous lecturer (or just have some kind of full time job) we WILL be getting a cleaner :p


I hope you have a good weekend away, Sneaks. :-)

I've got a long to do list but I'm not sure how much (if any) I will get done today. I've just made an appointment with the vets for 11.30 to have our dog put to sleep. :-( She's been very ill (secondary tumours in her liver and possibly lungs) and would only have a couple of months to live a the most, but she has now stopped eating completely and is hardly drinking either. We've tried all sorts but nothing is working. She has not eaten anything for a few days and hardly anything at all over the last two or three weeks. She has lost more than a third of her body weight over the last few weeks. :-(

I know it's for the best, but I'm very sad. :-( Not sure how I will be able to focus on any PhD work today.

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oh that's awful Moonblue :-( All I can say is that in my experience, its often for the best, much better than seeing them suffer :-( :-(