The One Goal Thread

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NO starshaped you are not using a sunbed! I am banning you as the best procrastinator on this forum (I think that's my official title). PLease don't! Use that gradual fake stuff or even better, go pale and interesting like me! (all the best people are doing it) you don't want to end up all 'TOWIE'.


Sorry! I don't usually bother with anything more than a touch of the gradual tan stuff on my legs but I'm going to Spain next Tuesday and don't want my pale, English skin to burn on the beach...

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use factor 50 ;-)

right, that's goal 2 done.

Goal 3 - to open next chapter and decide what needs doing!

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Right Goal 4: Expand the method section

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well word is 'not responding' I want compensation microsoft for the hours you've wasted for me during my PhD :-s


Factor 50... no chance!

I have now done my second goal. My discussion chapter is currently under 4000 words but I'm starting to feel like I've said all I have to say so I'm tempted to leave it more or less as it is and see what my sup says (especially as I am running out of time to do everything!).

My next goal is to expand my introduction.

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I wear factor 50 every day :$ I'm so pale though. 10 mins of walking the dog when I can't find shade and I'm like a beetroot :$(turkey)


Damn, I'm usually out in the garden with my tanning oil willing the sun to shine! I have been particularly unsuccessful with that this year though...

My introduction is now expanded (a bit). Probably as I am so close to having my final draft done, I have started feeling like the whole thing is crap and won't be Good Enough. So I'm going to take a step back and work on a job application for the last hour of the day.


Hello all, Seems like everyone has had a rather productive day... WELL DONE...

I am making a late entry ... was up early today got a few words in on my introduction and worked on it last night a little--- Had an all day meeting today .. but im back now and ready to roll.
Task one is admin. stuff Yawn yawn!!
Task two- finish the intoduction chapter ENOUGH is ENOUGH!:-s

Onwards and upwards


ok, admin. done-
on to task two - Introduction....
anyone else having a working evening?


Morning all. My goals today are;

1. Send an email about a job application as the recruitment part of their website has been down for days.
2. Actually do a word count as my full draft is nearly finished and I have no idea how many words I've written!
3. My major goal for the day is working on a data chapter. I realised yesterday that I really should add a whole other section to it.
4. I really should call into uni as I need access to some information stored on the machines there. I may end up putting it off until tomorrow or Friday though.


Hi Star-Shaped, sounds like you've got a few things to do today. I'm still cracking on with my lit review, need to send my edits to sup on Friday so I really need to get going!

Goal 1- get definitions


Goals 1 and 2 done. Goal 3 part done. I have started drafting out the new section but feel like I should take a step back to decide whether I am actually going to include it and how I will incorporate it into the whole chapter.

I'm probably just deciding to do the 'nice' bits of work, but I am now going to move on to the 2 data chapters I am happy with and get those absolutely thesis ready.


My 2 data chapters are now ready to be included in my full draft. Hurray.

My next goal is to add a couple more papers to my literature review, which will then be thesis ready.


hi Sneaks hi everyone
I am back after a long absence!
My goal today is to start inputing my data
love satchi