The One Goal Thread

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Goal 1 today = make powerpoint for a 1hour workshop I have to give. Currently fighting over the slides presentation with someone else (I want plain black text on white background and they want it completely crazy looking) but need to get the content done today.

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Went swimming first thing, and then had to walk to my department instead of getting the bus because they're digging up the roads across campus, so I got to the department late. But I'm still going to achieve lots today!

Goals for today:
1.) Finish looking at structure of articles in journal I want to be published in
2.) Identify central message for journal article I'm writing
3.) Start to plan journal article

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I went swimming first thing too - well, I went to walk the dog and got abosultely drenched in the rain, so kind of the same.

GOal 1 is going ok, but have been interrupted about 10 times - really need to get this done today!

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Heh, oh dear. We haven't had any rain here today. Though I can't see any windows from my desk so for all I know it could be pelting it down outside right now!

Goal 1 done. I think I need a break doing something else to clear my head before goal 2, so will do some admin type jobs for a while.


Morning all,

I've not been around for 5 days (which means 5 days of no work), as we went away fro the weekend and I've been doing some summer work the past couple of days. So I really must get on with things as I havea na ever-closing deadline!

Goal 1- read everything written so far for upgrade
Goal 2- tackle section 4 of upgrade


Welcome back Button. Snap- I've also not been around or worked since last Wednesday. I went away for a long weekend and I have been ill since Monday. I'm still not quite with it today but I'm aiming to submit on September 1st so need to get on with it!

My first goal is to see how far I get addressing the comments from my sup on each of my data chapters.


Hope you're feeling better star-shaped!

Goal 1 s done and goal 2 is partly done; just waiting on sup to get back to me about the other bit for goal 2 (whcih could be a few days!)

Goal 3- do section 5 of upgrade report

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======= Date Modified 03 Aug 2011 17:19:38 =======
My sup emailed me a huge re-structure list today for the first 3 chapters. I looked at it and nearly burst into tears in front of a room of about 40 people. But I kept my cool, took a deep breath and then pretended it didn't exist. :p

I now have to look at it and work out what its on about so I can call her with questions tomorrow. Then - once I've understood it all, I am going to give myself next week to re-structure, meaning it will all be done (ish) by the time I see her in person to go through it.

Then me and starshaped will be racing towards a 1st week of sep submission arrrrrgh!

Edited to say that my mum would hate that last sentence, I'll rephrase "Starshaped and I will be racing towards a 1st week of sep submission arrrrrgh"

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well spent the last hour getting the courage to ring sup to go through changes and then she's not in :-s


======= Date Modified 04 Aug 2011 11:45:40 =======
============= Edited by a Moderator =============

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I am SOOOO busy this week! I have loads of work to be doing. So....goal one is to get smarter clothes down and post parcel at the post office.

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Goal 1: DONE :-)

Goal 2: finish section in lit review

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I've been up and working since 5.30 am. I have to email my draft second year report to my supervisors by 12 o'clock, and my parents are coming to visit today as well so I can't overrun at all. I had to make them promise not to arrive before 12, they're terrible for setting off from home really early and being on the doorstep before I'm ready for them!

So, goal for today: get the report done by 12. Better get back to it!


Oooh Sneaks, not long for us both now! Things keep on coming up to distract me though- the latest is a grant application with a deadline next month. I do technically have until the end of September to submit but it would be nice to make it that first week.

I have been terrible the last week and really need to get back into the habit of setting myself goals. I'm doing the final edits for a journal paper which got accepted (yay!) today. My first goals this afternoon are to make sure the transcripts are perfect and to address the minor comments.

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I have the same - I think I have to have it in by the end of sep, but sup is wanting 1st week. BUT she's also got me to re-write my first 3 chapters, which I'm trying to do this week. BUT my sister in law (aged 7) won't leave me alone :-s I've given her a load of stuff to do and said I'm really busy, but she keeps wandering back to ask me stuff. SHe's a cryer too, so if I say it slightly more firmly she'll stand and shreik the house down. Her mother is here, but doing other stuff :-s