The One Goal Thread


Hi Sneaks! You've not been around and I wondered if everything was ok. Glad you managed to do your final draft for most chapters. As for thinking your work is pretty awful, I'm wondering if this isn't something that happens to most of us? I'm starting to think the same about mine too and even wanted to change my whole lit review! But reason told me if it was that rubbish, sups would have said something so I didn't. Maybe the same may apply to you?

My first goal of the day is to finish editing the chapter I've been working on over the weekend. I really want to do this by lunchtime.

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======= Date Modified 10 Oct 2011 09:14:26 =======
Goal 1 done, Goal 2 = sort out some analyses

I dunno Skig, I have this last chapter, that is quite a lot of analyses. SUp asked me to change it into Study 3a and 3b, rather than one big study. But I personally think this has overcomplicated it all. But I haven't really read through it. I'm also worried that the discssion of that chapter is supposed to lead on quite well into the discussion for the whole thesis. But I think I've made it far too specific (e.g. about single measures I used, rather than the bigger picture). I think my aim this week will be to read the whole thesis, whilst jotting notes down for the discussion chapter and working out if it is any good.

Meanwhile my sup should read it and get back to me. TBH I'm just praying she doesn't want another round of major changes, or I may kill myself, or move to Italy, one of the two!


======= Date Modified 10 Oct 2011 09:55:00 =======
============= Edited by a Moderator =============
inappropriate content

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Hello Skig, Naturalme and Sneaks,

Sneaks, I think we all end up thinking our work is cr*p. My supervisor cringed at a quote of his I referenced from this mega, discipline defining article he wrote in 1985, said it was pretentious! I always love my stuff... for about two hours after I've finished it. And then I look again and think 'how could I have?'. But I can see why not getting your work read properly is doing your head in. That would definitely be a wobble inducing situation for me. Could you speak toyour sup about it?

Skig good luck with finishing your chapter. And Natural me, I hope today is more productive - perhaps that's why we haven't heard from you yet...

I had the weekend off from PhD work - just did some reading and looked at some images for a lecture on Wednesday.

Today I'm going to do my 1-2 hours of writing, and then some reading. I have an article and a book to read. So see you when I've written, and good luck!


Thanks Eska but I'm still not finished arghhhh!!

Sneaks, I can relate to what you're going through as my current stress is a direct result of sups feedback!! I hope you get yours soon and no major editing required!

I'm still not finished with my chapter but the hardest bit has been done. I'm trying to decide whether to have lunch now or do a bit more work. Not sure why but I've become a fairly indecisive person in the last few weeks... never used to be like that. Maybe it's because nothing else seems to really matter anymore? Sad, I know, but I just want to get rid of this, it feels like it's a plague that never goes away right now! :$ Sorry about the rant. Maybe I should have lunch and have some camomile tea whilst I'm there...:p

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Hello everyone, it sounds like you're all deep into it at the moment - hope you all get through the work okay!

Today, I need to write up notes from this morning's supervision meeting, sort out some admin bits and pieces, then write a detailed plan of the analysis I need to do over the next six months. Fun.


Hi Batfink! I'm actually almost drowning lol

Not really, I finished my chapter reviewing/editing thingy!!! Well done me (and pat on the back)

Goal number 2 - edit a section of another (much easier) chapter.


Right folks, I think I'll start joining you with the 'one goal' thingy as I'm turning into the Procrastination Queen and am really annoying myself in the process. I mean, it's nearly 4pm and I'm STILL faffing! :$ I must must must stop this nonsense, so maybe some accountability will help.

Therefore, goal 1: edit draft journal article and forward to sup.


Hello everyone,

I am a new Phd student. It's good that everyone is focusing on their goals.

I am going to do the same and looking forward to getting advice and inspirations from you.

Keep it up!



Hi all!
After a few days away from the forum (not from "real" and PhD work though) here I am!

Although it quite late now (here it is 7:15 already) I have been working on my thesis since 2 o'clock (just after I finished my "real" work)...
I was trying to find a way to structure my third analysis chapter....Still haven't found it.....

Keep on the good work!!!!!!


I'm delighted to report that this is working for me already! (up) Goal 1 ticked off. Now off to make a cuppa, then onto goal 2: write up a checklist for my upcoming interviews.


Okaaaaaayyy!! We're rockin' and rollin' here! Goal 2 ticked off and washing up done into the bargain! (up)(up) Now off to cook and enjoy some dinner and last night's episode of 'Downton Abbey' on Replay, then onto my last goal for the day - read the first 2 chapters of my Uni library book.

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Ok - I did my one hour and forty minutes of writing. Now I only have the conclusion to expand by about 5-700 words. I also compiled a list of all the bits of research and references I need to get in order to complete the chapter.

Instead of reading for my chapter I got most of my lecture stuff done. I read the weekly reading - made me realise how dull some academic writing is... why don't they spare the poor reader a thought? My slides are good - lots of nice images and I have compiled some rough notes which I will print at work and refine on the train tomorrow.

I am about to devour the delicious soup which has been sititng on my table for half an hour.

So good luck people who are still working, and see you tomorrow.


DONE! This turned into a reasonably productive day in the end! Hurrah! No more Little Miss Procrastinator I say! Expect to see more of me on here as I finally get my finger out. Night night!


Good morning!

1) Finish editing what I started yesterday - a bit difficult right now as I'm starting to think everything is rubbish but one must go on
2) Write a bit more on my intro - ideally I'd like to finish it today. We'll see.

Good luck everyone!