The One Goal Thread

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New day, fresh start. Going to finish off the coding/analysing I didn't do yesterday. If I can get caught up this morning that will feel good (I'm out all afternoon so won't get much more done today).


Good morning! I've finished goal one of the day which was to clean up my laptop as it was getting upset at the size of my chapter documents! I've got Skype supervision today so I don't want it freaking out half way through!

My main goals today are to read other phd student's methodology chapters to make sure mine is the expected standard, and then write my introduction/conclusion bits. I was really pleased when I found I'd done a lot more work in my first year than I thought I had so writing this chapter hasn't been too painful, it's the one I have to write after which will be a killer as I'm doing grounded theory and most of what I'll be writing about is as a result of my grounded work which = very little background reading!

Happy working everyone

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Hi Folks, It's pretty quiet around here today, is everybody busy?

Yesterday I worked really slowly, just finished typing up the re-draft and then printed it - I think I needed a down day. Today was faster, I did four hours of editing of the re-draft (with a big break for yoga in the middle). I have now found loads more work that needs to be done on the chapter so won't be sending it off today. I have written to my sup promising to send it on Monday though, so I will have to work really hard over the weekend to get it done by then. I bet he finds loads more work in it too...

So I hope the silence is a good sign and things are steaming ahead for you. X


Hi Eska and other Postgrad Forum people! I was sick yesterday so managed to get nothing done bar print off a paper before sloping back to bed!

Today is only going to be a half day for me so I'm aiming to add some critique into my methodology from papers I've read then I'm off for some fresh air as I think being cooped up all week hasn't done anything for my health! Hope your chapter amending goes well Eska, if it's any consolation I've got a chapter due in next week and I'm not looking forward to the additional work I'll no doubt get back for it!

Have a good day everyone!

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Hi Eska, and Lindalou, hope you get lots done today! (And fresh air is a good thing...)

I didn't come online yesterday but was working away. I'm working through my data analysis at the moment - it's going slowly but I am making progress, so as long as I can keep going and make up some time at some point I think it'll all be good.

Goals for today
1.) Write poster abstract for upcoming event
2.) Keep plugging away at the analysis - if I can be ready to start writing hypotheses from this analysis next week then I'll be happy


Wow. This thread seems to have been around for 2+ years and is still going! Glad I found this - I am joining, too.

My goal today is to go through the papers that are scattered all over my hard drive, organize them in my EndNote library and make them public so I can share them with my group. (been meaning to do this for a long time...)

I will also start working on my slides to present next Friday--My aim is to get the background part done.

Have a productive day!

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Hi All,

I need to send my final, final draft off to sup today (in the post :-s ) so I have a lot of final tweaking. She's then going to read it for a week and then get back to me with some more changes lol, but if I don't get it to her looking finished i.e. references, she tends to rip the contents to shreds, as well as the presentation of it. Its annoying habit of hers!


Goal 1: make changes suggested by a colleague to chapter 4.

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Hi Sneaks, good luck with getting your draft off today. That's quite a mile stone...

I sent my chapter to my sup last night, so am having a day off - I worked right through the weekend, so reckon I deserve it. Going shopping later.

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Goal 1 done.

Goal 2: to make changes to chapter 5 suggested by sup. I suspect she wanted me to make more, but she has not mastered track changes, and instead prefers to mark it by hand and then go over it on the phone - meaning I have no idea what she's on about half the time! And she says vague statements like "so you need to bring some of these things through" ??? so am going to change as much as I can work out and wait for her feedback later.


Morning all!

I hope you're all well and making good progress! I've not used this thread for a few days now while I was busy with stuff that took me away from the desk much of the time. Got a few things I want to blitz today though and 2 hours later haven't yet got started on anything productive, so I think I'll need to use your good selves to help me along! So here goes:

Goal 1. Finish interview transcription
Goal 2. Book conference travel

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morning, £22 lighter and my thesis is in the royal mail system winging its way to sup for guaranteed delivery tomorrow. :-)

Please god I hope she has little to change.

My goal for the next week (around a million lecturing things to do like marking bleugh!) is to read through it enough so I feel comfortable with what I've read (ha!) and to completely overhall the reference list, which is awful e.g. journals missing, all CAPS, author's missing etc etc.


Congrats Sneaks, that must be a big weight off your shoulders! For now anyway. Fingers crossed your sup doesn't fiddle with it too much!

I've ticked off my first two goals. Now off to hang up some washing to dry then onto the following:

Goal 3. Sort through pile of miscellaneous paperwork which has been accumulating for weeks and is probably hiding some important things I should have dealt with ages ago (I dread to think what I'll find)

Goal 4. Email sup to arrange meeting


Tick, tick and tick. 8-) This is so satisfying, even though admittedly my goals are all pretty small scale today!

Next up:

Goal 5. Read next chapter in dreary theory book, then go food shopping to clear resultant headache

Goal 6. Proof read transcript

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Good afternoon Miss Piggy and Sneaks! I had zero students turn up for tutorials this morning, so managed to get about two hours of reading about writing style in this morning.

This afternoon I will:

1.Start compiling a reading list for the next chapter.
2. Do a couple of hours reading of key sources.

Good luck wth your re-read Miss Piggy and congratulations on posting your thesis to the sup - even if it cost twenty two quid, blimey, can't they print it at the other end?

See you later x


======= Date Modified 22 Nov 2011 18:13:32 =======
Oooh, I'm feeling smug smug smug today! Ok, so a lot of what I did today were fairly minor tasks BUT I completed them all PLUS I finished the dreary theory book to boot! Woot!! Seeing as I'm riding on the crest of a wave right now I'll set myself one final task...

Goal 7. Write up notes of dreary theory reading

After that it's time for (turkey) and a TV treat.

Hope you all had a good day too! They don't come too often, good days, don't they? (Which is probably why I'm feeling so strangely happy with myself...)