The One Goal Thread

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======= Date Modified 29 Feb 2012 09:01:10 =======
Sent my chapter off ten minutes ago, just waiting for confirmation they received it and then I can go to bed. It wasn't quite finished, had to put bullet-points for what would be said in a few places, but all the data was there. I did actually get some sleep last night - went to bed at 1.45 and got up at 5.30. That was painful!

Good luck with all the work today, everyone! Seems like people are busy already this morning. Button, you sound like you have a lot on your plate there - you can do it, just keep calm and breathe...


Morning all,

I hope Batfink is now safely tucked up in bed - I've never pulled an all nighter before because I can't function without sleep but it sounds like it was a productive night!

That does sound busy Button, but like Batfink said, one thing at a time and you'll get there. Think how good you'll feel at the end of the day when you can tick off all those activities! I've been doing non-phd related admin this morning like paying bills (groan!) so I'm going to settle down and do some work now. Have a good day everyone (up)


Sleep well Batfink! Hope you're plodding on okay Linda.

I've just done two hours of straight work (4 tomatoes with no breaks) and I've done goals 1, 2, 6 and 7 woohoo. I'm now going to take a short break and get on with speaking to sup and sorting my plan, so I can then devote the rest of the day to my next presentation!


Well done Button, doesn't it feel amazing when you've ticked things off your to do list! I'm still working on the same section of my chapter but I'm hoping to get it finished in the next hour so that I can write the second outstanding section and conclusion later on today. That will mean I can focus on editing tomorrow and Friday and hopefully start making in roads to the next chapter next week! Have a nice break now!


Keep going Linda!

Well I took doogy for a big walk earlier to clear my head, so I'm a bit behind. I've done all my goals except start my next presentation though. I'm going to make myself a brew and then get cracking with it.


Urgh it's all starting to look the same now! I can't wait to get this chapter finished so I can move on!!! It looks like a lovely day out there so it sounds like you made the right choice by going out for a walk with the doggy! Sounds like you've made great progress today so you should feel very proud!

I've done fairly well today, the bulk of the work is there, I just need to edit it now, phew!


Good morning all!

Hope everyone is well today, I'm up early today as I have a supervision meeting this morning. I'm mainly going to be working on editing my chapter today, I still have an outstanding amendment to make to chapter 3 as well. I've not managed to do it yet due to the nasty cold I had :-(

Have a good day everyone!


======= Date Modified 01 Mar 2012 10:25:01 =======
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Supervision done - it was a positive experience so that's good, hurrah! Now to get on with my chapter... I just did a quick scan read and it turns out I have more to do than I thought, but ho hum!

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Glad your supervision was positive, Lindalou - I have mine at 2pm and am dreading it, I know there were major problems with the chapter I sent (mainly that it wasn't finished!!) and I'm very daunted by just how much work I still have left. I think my supervisors would be well within their rights to tell me to pull my finger out and work harder, but they're probably too nice to say that to me.

Oh well. I'm rushing to complete a few things before the meeting, and afterwards will have some emails and stuff to send. Busy day! Hope everyone else is getting through the work okay!


Batfink, make sure you tell them how poorly you've been, considering that you had a nasty cold you worked extremely hard, much harder than I did! I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

I'm struggling today as I have more work to do on this chapter than I thought I did as I mentioned earlier and it's all starting to look the same to me now. My sup doesn't want to see it til the 12th March so I might just finish up the rough sections then put it to one side for a couple of days. I have plenty of other chapters left to get stuck into in the mean time!

So this afternoon, I want to get the following achieved:
1. Finish rough sections of chapter 6
2. Amend chapter 3, section 1

Hopefully I'll get there!


Goal 1 is now achieved, thank goodness! So it's now on to Goal 2.

Hope your meeting went well Batfink (up)

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Just back from meeting, it was fine. My supervisors are very nice people (though I do think one of them thinks I'm an idiot - oh well!) They gave me lots of really useful feedback about how to restructure things, and said that what I'd done was good for the stage I was at with the analysis even if it wouldn't all be used in the final thesis. I'm happy with that. Still daunted by how much there is to do, but they were very encouraging and I think I will get there.

Hope everyone else's day is going well!


That sounds great Batfink, a really positive meeting, so well done you! To be honest, I think my sups think I'm stupid most of the time! Oh well! It's really easy to get daunted by how much there is still to do - if I think too much about how many chapters/amendments I'll have to do between now and submission it does get my blood pressure going, so I just try to focus on one thing at a time at the moment or I'll go crazy! BUT! We'll get there!


9,000 words by monday...can it be done!? damn straight. where's my diet coke!!!!????
