The One Goal Thread


======= Date Modified 17 Sep 2012 01:29:14 =======
Hi everyone,

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.

I was exhausted and tired after meeting with sup on Saturday. The weather was very nice today, beautiful but short autumn begins. Waking up late, running in the park, taking nap in the afternoon, making nice dinner for my hubby and I, after one day rest, I feel refreshed at the moment. I have a meeting with sup on Tuesday, so I have one and half day left. I don't want to be too rush on Tuesday, so need to start working now. The codes cannot produce the results I expect, so need to locate the error first.

my goal:
1. test hmmsample by setting H1=H2, estimating H.
2. test hmmFitAlgo by degenerating H to Gaussian case.
3. check implementation details by comparing latex and code.

Wish everyone a energetic Monday.

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Hello all

Benyaya, your description of your day sounded delightful.

I'm just getting ready for Helsinki tomorrow now. Come onto campus to print off handouts for my presentation, and also maps and reservation details for the trip. Excited now. I really should do some actual work on my thesis, but I'll probably leave it until I'm back and just allow myself to have a good break from it. So, I'll see you all next week!


Morning all,

Have a terrifying progress review meeting at 11am, so just checking in quickly. I'm shaking and feel so sick, but hopefully it will be okay.

After that... will be amending my literature review, although I'm finding it difficult to think past this meeting now.

Have a good day everyone :-)

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Oh, good luck Natassia! Hope it goes well - and for what it's worth, these things are very very rarely as bad as we imagine in advance, so do try to relax, and be kind to yourself afterwards.


Batfink enjoy helsinki! Natassia lots of luck, I'm sure you'll be fine!

I'm busy doing non related phd jobs today so may not get round to working!


Well I got through it, and although it was quite difficult and stressful the outcome was largely positive. So now I am reading though a methodology chapter of a thesis similar to mine so that I can start planning my own methodology chapter. Hope to have that done by the end of the day.


Sorry you didn't get the job Batfink. Have a great time in Helsinki though :)

I'm only working for a couple of hours today so will be focusing on my methodology chapter. I'm still waiting for feedback from sups on article, deadline for revisions is Friday so there's a chance I may need to drop everything once again. I'm not having much fun at the minute but at least I can still see the light at the end of the tunnel :)


Hi all,

Hope you are all getting on well and you had productive days. I've been a bit poorly since Friday, problems with my sinuses again, boo. I'm just easing myself back into it today but I still have the headache from hell which doesn't make concentrating on a thesis very easy!

Today I'd like to make a start on the corrections my supervisors gave me last week, they aren't too onerous so I think I should be able to get a few of them done today, though I'm not going to be too hard on myself as my brain is like (sprout) !!!

Have a good day everyone (up)


======= Date Modified 18 Sep 2012 14:25:42 =======
============= Edited by a Moderator =============
*Removed by postgradforum team - spam*


Oh Linda! I used to have sinusitis all the time when younger so I really feel for you. I hope you manage to get some work done!

I've only just sat down for my usual 'couple of hours' with a nice cuppa:-) weather isn't that great out there so it's easier to focus on work. I got an email from one of my sups with feedback on my article so will need to tackle that (how did I guess that was coming I wonder??).


Hi all,

Linda, I also feel dizzy, try to ignore it, and hope it disappear soon. Skig, it's also a rainy day here. I was hoping I could walking outside for a couple of hours, now have to stay inside and focus on work.

My sup cancelled the meeting with me today, so I have a couple of extra days. I plan to take one step back, and rewrite parts of the code which I have done last semester. Need to sort out details of the implementation, then I can tell why the results are not good.

Wish everyone have a nice day.


======= Date Modified 19 Sep 2012 09:36:18 =======
Good morning all,

I'm feeling a lot better this morning so hopefully I can get a lot more done than I did yesterday - I was still feeling unwell really yesterday so I gave up after a few hours! Hope your dizziness has passed Benyaya and the feedback wasn't too bad Skig!

I'm just going to get on with some amendments to my chapter, on closer inspection they're all fairly tricky ones actually that require quite a lot of brain power, I think the key to cracking them is to just get started on one. Once I have one done, the others should be less dauting. That's my logic anyway, don't know if that will turn out to be flawed!

Hope you all have a good day :-)

*edited due to my fuzzy brain*


Hi all, just checking in!

I haven't been working this week as my mind has been elsewhere (nothing serious!), so I've been occupying myself by having a clear out of all the stuff I no longer need in my house, and I've also started my Christmas shopping eek! I LOVE Christmas and can't wait for it to be here! (gift)(robin)(snowman)(tree)(turkey)(mince)

I'm busy today at 3pm so I might have another chilled day before starting work again tomorrow.

Linda had you're feeling better, just keep going!


Today I want to get PCR products ready for 6 exons. I hope everything goes well.


Welcome Gary_Scientist, hope you find the One Goal Thread useful and have a successful day!

And hello to you Button, hope you are well! I am 4 tasks through a list of 16 so I'm making reasonable progress, the one I'm working on currently is a bit tricky though as I'm trying to incoporate information that I had previously removed which is tedious but hey ho! How wel organised to start Christmas shopping now! I am dreading it slightly this year, but only because 1. I have lost some weight which I put on post wedding and I'll probably put it all back on again because of all the yummy food at Christmas and 2. My funding ends after Christmas!