The One Goal Thread


My goal today is to summarize and read a paper!


Afternoon all. This morning was taken up with teaching. I can never face doing much on Monday afternoons but today I am hoping to make a dent in the pile of marking I have to do. I'm going to aim to get 6 papers done for now.


Hi everyone, hope you're all plodding along okay. I've done goals 1-4, and I'm going to attempt goal 5, but I really hate starting writing in the afternoon when I'm tired! I'll give it a go though, I'll be really proud of myself if I can write something!

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Plodding away here. Been at it all day and I'm gradually making progress, though tomorrow's deadline still looks way too soon. Maybe I'll make it though. I'm getting tired now, which isn't a good sign. Ah well, back to it! Good luck everyone!


Goal 5 is done, that's me finished for the day!

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Well today I've had a few good things and a few bad things.

Good things: did my annual review presentation, I would say it 'went' rather than went well or went badly, just went - so now its over, I also got my marking moderated and it was generally good, so now that's off my plate and handed in, I had a meeting with sup who went through my paper and now have things to get done so feeling positive.

Bad things: Sup reckons the uni fellowships available are highly politicised so its unlikely I will get it if I apply - although I still will. she also suggested I started looking at my local uni - a strong indication that she reckons there's nothing going at my current uni.

But now, for the first time in a while, feel that I've got a while where I can do nothing but PhD work, rather than being distracted by stupid presentations, marking etc.


Evening everyone, it's so great to see everyone getting work done.

I just had one goal for today, that was to debug my programme, and after 9 hours, I've done it! yay!

I'm so glad it's done, it's been bugging me for 2 weeks.

What is everyone up to tomorrow?

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My goals for today were as follows;

Goal 1: get to the office DONE
Goal 2: prepare step-by-step lab method for one part of my experiment DONE
Goal 3: Discuss set-up with technician DONE
Goal 4: Find potential supplier for tricky item DONE (well hopefully - I've sent them what I need so they should get back to me tomorrow)
Goal 5: Read 1 paper in my quest to figure out a thesis topic IN PROGRESS (hopefully done in 40mins)

For tomorrow, I want to clear myself some space in the very messy lab so that when my equipment arrives I have somewhere to put it!! I'll come up with the rest of the goals in the morning!

Well done on debugging your program Pinkfingers - that's all ahead of me :-(

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Opps sorry - Pink numbers!!


======= Date Modified 18 May 2010 11:06:09 =======
Hello all

As I am lucky more than usual, my husband has friends from our country since last Wednesday, and I was very busy with them and did not do anything relating to my PhD. Of course, it is really the worst time for their visit, and I am totally frustrated now. But I decided to spend al my days in the library and do not waste my time in my husband's stupid social life. He invites me now to have beer with them in the downtown!!!!!

I'll try today to finish two articles. it is 9 p.m really it is a great time to start your study day.


Well, not the best day today. After sitting with all the patience of a wise and experienced fisherman, I only managed to catch 3 patients for data collection. Back out again tomorrow though - maybe there'll be richer pickings. I just want to scoop up all the specific patients in the UK into a big net and not release them until they fill in all my forms.


lmao Ev!!! that made me laugh :D You certainly got a lot done today, I wish I was as good as you!

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Phew, finished for today. Didn't get to the end of the draft of my paper but I only have a couple of sections left to write, and then some editing to do, and it's done - and I'll have about seven hours to do that in tomorrow, so I should make it. That even gives me time to go for a swim in the morning, which is great - I've been stuck at my desk for too long, I need some exercise!

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Right I'm super enthused today!

Goal 1: Set up data sets
Goal 2: analyse data
Goal 3: sort paper our for friend
Goal 4: read through hubby's PhD chapter and make corrections.


Can I join in...

My one goal today is to re-read 5 primary sources

This is an enjoyable task but for some reason I've been putting it off, so it would be great to get it done.