The One Goal Thread


I wanted to get an early start today but failed miserably. I have a deadline to submit some stuff to my supervisors next Friday so the goal is to write on this. I was counting on having the rest of the week apart from tomorrow clear to work from home and really get on with it, but had an email this morning about a meeting Thursday morning :-s

So I must get on with things! I will ease myself in with the goal of spending 2 tomatoes writing.

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Quote From pink_numbers:

Sneaks, I know what you mean about cats and birds, my younger one (but still about 10 years old) brought a baby rat in on the weekend, I was pathetic, all I could do was scream while partner picked it up with his bare hands. And I thought I was quite the as bold as a man type! :$

I was brought up in the country, and my dad made sure I knew how to wring a birds neck when I was 4 - I remember he had a crow that had broken its wing on my rabbits run, so he got me to do it (with his help - otherwise I wouldn't have been strong enough) I remember the head came clean off which was pretty grim. But a good life lesson i.e. the poor things in misery, put it out of it ASAP.


Goal 2:!

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Wow, Sneaks, that's quite a skill to have. I wish I'd known how to do that - my cat (who died a couple of years ago, I still miss him...) was such a pathetic creature that I don't think he'd ever managed to catch a bird in his entire life, until one day, when he came running in to me in the kitchen with a bird in his mouth. The bird was stil alive and struggling, and my cat looked really freaked out and clearly didn't know what to do next! Finally I got the bird off him but it was clearly going to die, and I didn't know what to do, so we both just watched it die. Only took a few minutes, thankfully, but I wish I'd known ho to dispatch it more kindly! The cat never caught another bird after that - I think he was traumatised!

Oh well, time to get on with some work - I went swimming first thing, and then one of my supervisors came over and had a chat unexpectedly (first time he's ever done that, took me by surprise a bit!), so I'm now way behind schedule. And failed to hit my goals yesterday too. I did get good feedback from my supervisors about the Methodology paper I was killing myself to write last week so that was a relief. So, today's two goals are:

1.) Complete the outline of the journal article I'm planning to write, started yesterday.
2.) Write up minutes of yesterday's supervision meeting and send them to my supervisors.


Waaah- I am dreading my cat managing to catch anything living and bringing it in. Definately a good skill to have.

My morning went well- did 6 tomatoes writing solidly. I'm starting to flag a bit now so will have lunch and will then move on to a different section.

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Goal for this afternoon 1-4pm ; zero draft on 1 section of paper
Goal 2: 4-6pm: try to read around the section which I know absolutely nothing about but which is supposed to be the main focus of my thesis (and this paper!!) :$

I want to have a completed draft of the entire paper to send to sups in 3 weeks time. I also have alot of labwork going on at the moment so that's not as much time as it sounds.


I have totally ran out of steam with my writing. Didn't manage much more after lunch and did some transcribing instead.

My goal for the rest of the day is to do as much marking as I can between now and 5pm.

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ok - so now I'm really stressing. I did some data anlysis and sent it to sup yesterday. A load of things were significant. NOW it turns out that a few of my participants scores were copied and pasted into the wrong column which has changed all the results - still some are significant, but not as many. So now going to have to own up to supervisor and feel like a complete pratt.

Plus I'm worried that I have missed another data entry error and will end up having to own up to something again in a few days time :$ :$:$:$:$:$:$

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Ok CALM CALM - I emailed sup and she doesn't seem that bothered - so after another 10 mins of me cringing in my office to myself I will get back on with work!


Glad it was all ok in the end for you Sneaks. I guess your sup would be more pleased that you owned up to an error than trying to hide it.

I seem to be creating (or at least finding) more bugs to this code than I am fixing atm. It's rather frustrating. AGH! I am so running out of steam on this code, I may try to write on my thesis for a few days just for a change.

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Goal 1: chase up vague stats for article

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Goal 1: DONE

Goal 2: assess normality of data and write up (saving output in a nice folder than randomly all over my desktop)

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Goal 1: pull together some papers for section of paper DONE

Goal 2: write zero draft of section of paper - I'll give myself until 6pm to do this

Goal 3: spend 2 hours reading about section of paper I know nothing about


Hi all!

Bloomin' heck - it's 3 o'clock- where's the day gone?!

My goal for this aft is to try and get my head round a really complex theory! Hopefully without finding a million more journals that I need to read! I already have a massive pile on my desk and it only seems to be getting bigger!!

Hope everyone's day is going well.



Gahhh I have the attention span of a snail today!!

My gaol for the next hour: prepare notes on a paper I'm introducing at journal club tomorrow.

Thing is, I set the paper because I wanted other people's thoughts on it as there are some things I don't really get, but then I realised yesterday, as I've literally just set the club up in my department, maybe I should have chosen something I can talk really well about?! Oops, just shot myself in the foot there!

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Finally I've finished yesterday's goals. How pathetic! I'm really disappointed in myself - I just can't motivate myself this week. Oh well, I'm going to take the evening off, cook some nice food and start again tomorrow with a fresh perspective.