The One Goal Thread


I finished organizing data. My next goal is to go to the fridge to eat some ice-cream.

Next goal read an article and take notes

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ooh I'm in a silly mood today. I've decided to play the game of 'how many student emails can I ignore for how long'. hee hee!


Does anyone mind if I have an off topic rant?!

I've had the day off today because I've been working solid all week, and I need to get things sorted because me and other half are going away for the weekend tomorrow.

But instead of sorting everything out, I decided to rearrange all the furniture in my living room- 3 and a half hours later I realised that the only way things would fit, and go into plugs etc was how it was originally. Cue another hour of moving everything back to where it was in the first place, and now I've got a really really sore back :-s:-s:-s I'm now absolutely shattered, in pain, and NOW have to start all the jobs I was meant to do in the first place!

Knowledge of the day: don't rearrange furniture if it's okay where it was in the first place!

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ooh I have days like that, although recently the only time I've moved furniture is to find out where all the forks have gone - found 3 under the sofa.


My next goal is to read 4 cases about france


ok got Goal 5 done but I'm struggling to dredge up the will for finishing goal 6, I must do it tonight... there's not even much left, I'm just sooo unbelievably fed up looking at correlations....


Bad morning, I spent it on phone with my family. :-(

goal 1 read the case

goal 2 read article about sanctions

goal 3 have a drink with my hus hhhhh

goal 4 read 6 cases

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I've got to drive to my parents today, so spending the whole day packing stuff up and trying to work out what will entertain hubby when there's no sky tv or playstation.


Goals for the weekend:
1. translate some articles
2. finish with primary sources
3. database
4. start writing up

Busy weekend...


======= Date Modified 07 Aug 2010 09:45:29 =======
Considering the amount of hours I've put in this week (easily over 10 hours per day), I'm going to give my brain a break today and complete tasks that require not much thought!

Tasks today.......

1.) Content analysis of four peer reviewed journals (to make the point that there's a lack of research in my area)- Add to chapter 3
2) Finish my directory (ie overview of specialist services)- Add to chapter 3

If I feel up to it,

Chapter 5 and 7- Double check my interpretations from SPSS outputs


I woke up late, it is 10:30.
I have 33 cases to read this weekend, hard job, today at least 15 cases.

goal 1 read 5 cases
goal2 cooking
goal 3 read 7 cases
goal 4 see the fireworks
goal 5 read 3 cases


I don't know what to say, but girls do not marry before finishing your PhD.


Quote From SBCC:

Goals for the weekend:
1. translate some articles
2. finish with primary sources
3. database
4. start writing up

Goal 1 done, on to 2...


Yay finished my directory! (wow, that was one hell of a task!) now I need to complete my content analysis of journal papers.......


So, I finished 10 cases, then went to see the fireworks alone, it was amazing, one of the most beautiful nights in my life
I have 5 cases rest, at lest I have to finish 3

It is a great day